Page 753 of Not Over You
A spicy cinnamon scent assaults my senses. I can’t help smiling at his premonition. And it certainly doesn’t hurt when he smiles right along with me. “Well, I hope he’s not too harsh with his punishment. Everyone has a transgression now and again. Oh, I’m sorry but I didn’t catch your name.” A name that’s been plaguing me for some time now.
“Where are my manners? Zane Sinclair. But all my friends call me Z.” His infectious smile has me grinning.
“Well, I suppose that makes us friends since you just caught me sneaking out of the party. It’s nice to meet you again, Z.”
Leaning in, he whispers, “Believe me, the pleasure’s all mine, Lili.” Instantly, my toes curl and goosebumps break out along my skin.
Until my date comes crashing through the back door and ruins everything.
“What the hell’s going on out here?” I gasp as Zack jabs Zane in the chest.
“I suggest you calm down before I call Mike to throw you out.” They’re both nose to nose, and it’s very disturbing. Although Zack has a few inches on Zane, he’s much leaner and I think he’d lose. I can tell Zane has a muscular frame underneath that expensive suit, and, if I were a betting girl, I’d bet on Zane.
I feel guilty as hell since this is all my fault for trying to avoid Mike.
“Zack, I’m a little chilly. Let’s go back inside.” Hell, I’d much rather stay out here and talk to Zane, but I don’t want to fuel the fire any more than I already have. So, I’m trying to distract the two of them.
I’m delighted when Zane removes his jacket and places it over my shoulders. I’m not cold, I just wanted to diffuse the situation before it escalated.
Zack immediately steps between Zane and me, pressing the flat of his hand possessively against my back. “Let’s get you inside before you catch a chill.”
A quick glance over my shoulder and I’m met with a smoldering stare. One thing’s for sure. Zane Sinclair is not an arrogant prick like I thought he’d be. And if I had a chance to talk to him further, I’d have told him the pleasure was all mine.
It’s been two days since the afterparty and Mike hasn’t stopped talking about running into Lili. It’s rather comical since the only words he spoke to her that night were, “It’s so nice to see you again.” I suppose I shouldn’t poke fun at the big guy since our conversation was slim to none. Thanks to my brother.
I must say, apart from Zack’s little outburst, everything went rather smoothly. In fact, I’m thrilled with how the whole thing turned out. Janice came through for me and I’ve already had a booking for another afterparty in mid-October. She spoke so highly of me and Club Syn that they wanted to book early for fear the date would already be taken. All in all, I’m very pleased with the results and I look forward to more of them soon. Now I have a ton of work to do in preparation for the next one, and I don’t have a moment to waste. No rest for the weary.
I’m elbows deep in paperwork and my nose has been glued to my laptop since early this morning. My stomach’s rumbling but I don’t have a moment to waste if I plan on finishing this proposal by end of day. I’m lost in thought when Mike barges through the door. “I hate to interrupt Boss, but you’ll never guess who’s here to see you.”
Mike means well, I know he does, but I wish he’d knock before entering my office. Give me a head’s up that he’s about to intrude on my head space. I can’t help pinching the bridge of my nose in irritation before leaning back with my arms folded across my chest. “Maybe you should tell me who’s waiting so I won’t waste my time guessing.” I hate sounding like a prick, but my time’s a-ticking.
“Lili’s here to see you.” The damn guy’s grinning like the cat who ate the canary. I’d laugh, but he’s so serious that I wouldn’t dare because I’d hurt his feelings. Normally, I’d refuse anyone who shows up without an appointment, but I’ll gladly make an exception where she’s concerned.
Proposal be damned!
“Well, don’t keep the lady waiting, Mike. Send her right in.” I quickly stand and button my suit coat since I’ve been hunched over my computer all day long. My only concern is that I won’t have time to look in the mirror to see if I look presentable. Although, Lili doesn’t appear to be the kind of woman who would fault me for working hard so I’m not too worried.
When she leisurely strolls in, my chest tightens. She’s absolutely stunning in a pair of tight jeans, knee-high boots and an off-the-shoulder sweater to match. This woman is fucking sexy.
“I apologize for not calling ahead, but I was in the neighborhood and thought I’d stop by to drop off your jacket.” I stifle a smile knowing full well she could have easily given it back to me before leaving that night. Hmm, I think she knew exactly what she was doing when she brought my coat home with her. Lili wanted to continue our conversation just as much as I did before we were so rudely interrupted.
“No need to apologize. In fact, your timing couldn’t be better. Have you had lunch yet?” When I reach out to grab my jacket and her hand touches mine, electricity pulses through my veins. I quickly turn around, hang it up on the coatrack and take a deep breath.
What the fuck was that?
“I’m sure you must be busy, Zane. The last thing I want is to interrupt your day.”
I need to snap out of it before my silence scares her away. “I do have tons of loose ends I need to take care of, but I fear if you don’t have lunch with me, I won’t eat. Can you live with that on your conscience?” I glance over my shoulder and wait for her response.
“Well, I wouldn’t want to be responsible for a grown man passing out due to starvation. I’d love to have lunch with you.”
“Excellent. I just so happen to know the perfect place. Ready?” Lili’s whole face lights up when she nods in agreement. Her cheeks also turn a pretty shade of pink when I grab her hand and lead her to a little secluded table in the far corner of the bar. I reluctantly let go of her hand so I can pull out her chair when Mike casually walks past. Her body language speaks volumes as she tenses up from head to toe. She’ll never be able to enjoy her lunch if I don’t address the elephant in the room.
“Lili, I know you and Mike had a rough start, but he really is a gentle giant. He’s good at what he does and he’d never hurt a woman under any circumstances. Would you feel more comfortable if we ate in my office?”