Page 755 of Not Over You
“Great choice. If you’ll excuse me, I’ll be right back.” I’m mesmerized as I watch him amble off to the bar. Zane’s confident swagger has me tightening my thighs. Why am I sitting here having a full-blown fantasy about a man I don’t even know? This is what my erotic tales are all about, but this never happens in real life. Insta-love and all that other shit never really happens… does it? I don’t have time to ponder for too long when Zane sets down my glass of wine. His manly scent is intoxicating. Suddenly, I’m feeling light-headed. Not a good combination if I’m going to be drinking, but I’ll sip the same glass all day if need be.
We eat in silence but it’s far from uncomfortable. I choose one of everything, so I can compliment George before leaving. His food is outstanding and Zane’s fortunate to have him. I lean my back against the chair and grab my wine. It’s my turn to watch Zane as he licks his fingers. Heat colors my cheeks when I think of licking all ten of his digits. One by delectable one. His eyebrow quirks as he scrutinizes me.
Does he know what I’m thinking?
“My mother would scold me if she were here,” he says with a grin. “I never had very good table manners, so why start now?” His lips turn up at the corners and then his thumb is gingerly tugging on my bottom lip. Without thinking, my tongue darts out for a quick taste. I regret it, until I watch him pull back and taste me on his thumb. My heart’s beating staccato when he leans in and asks, “Who are you, Lili Avalon? And why do I feel like I’ve known you for years?”
The sexual tension between us is electric. It’s obvious we’re both feeling it and we have no idea why. A sense of déjà vu washes over me, although I know I’ve never been here like this with him. What the hell’s going on?
“You feel it too, don’t you?” All I can do is nod because I have no words. We’re both drinking each other in when someone clears their throat. I want to scream Not now!
Zane quickly snaps his head to the side. “Not now, Mike!” Ah, he read my mind. I’m desperate to explore what’s happening between the two of us.
“I’m truly sorry to interrupt but your four o’clock appointment is here. What should I tell her?” Zane clenches his jaw. I see the conflict wash over him, but I also know he’s a shrewd businessman. He can’t cancel on such short notice without some repercussions.
“Don’t apologize, Zane. I’m the one who came here unannounced and you’ve been more than generous with your time. Thank you for the delicious lunch.”
Zane stands up so abruptly that my hands begin trembling as he walks over and pulls out my chair. Always the perfect gentleman. His mother taught him well. When he grabs my hand and pulls me along without an explanation, I hesitate. Until he glares in my direction and I reluctantly follow. What the hell’s he doing? And where’s he taking me?
“Boss, what do you want me to do with your four o’clock…”
Zane’s hand flies up in the air, dismissing Mike in an instant. “Tell her I’ll be ten minutes late. I have something more important I need to tend to.” Mike and I become allies for a split-second. Especially when my wide-eyed stare matches his own. All I can do is shake it off as I’m jerked away. I take everything back that I said earlier. He’s not a gentleman and his mom would most certainly scold him for acting this way.
“Zane, stop. Where are we going?” My question is soon answered as he leads me into a dimly lit room. And as soon as he closes the door, I’m pressed up against it. His tall frame looms over me and I become aroused when his hands flatten against the door, inches away from my face. Confining me. My breathing becomes labored as he leans in.
“Can I kiss you?”
What? Why does he even have to ask? Zane doesn’t wait for my answer. He just takes. My mind’s spinning out of control as his warm mouth opens over mine. I’m lost in his kiss as his tongue swipes over my bottom lip. And when I moan, his tongue penetrates my mouth and dances with mine. A slow, erotic dance that has me panting and wanting so much more.
“Don’t leave, Lili. Stay right here and I’ll be back as soon as I can.” First, he nips my bottom lip, kisses me and then walks out the door.
What the fuck just happened?
My office was fucking empty last night when I returned from my meeting. I suppose, deep down, I knew she’d run. Dragging her into my office and demanding she stay put was a bit too intense and she couldn’t handle it. Hell, I couldn’t handle it either.
So much so, that I drowned my pathetic self in booze and cigarettes. It’s something I’m not very proud of and haven’t done since my college days. And the fact that Mike was the one who found me wallowing in self-pity outside was the icing on the proverbial cake. Of course, he thought it was the result of my meeting and I let him go on thinking just that. I have no intention of filling him in on what went down with Lili. One, he’d say I deserved it and two, he’d probably kill me if he knew I was in lust with his idol. It’s pointless anyway, since she ran off.
So, today my head’s about to explode and I have a shit ton of work to do. Payback’s a bitch and it’s all my fault. Last night I was thinking with the wrong head and I’ll never let it happen again. This being the reason why I usually only hook up with Dakota. Friends with benefits is so much easier. There are no strings and we both get what we want. It’s a win-win in my book.
God, Monday can’t come soon enough.
I’m fighting through a headache, but I desperately need to finish the presentation I’m working on. The client I met with on Saturday wants to see everything down on paper before signing the contract. I really can’t blame her for being cautious, but it’s a pain in the ass to do. First, I need to upload everything on the computer and use a special program to arrange everything as it is in the banquet room. I’m not a graphic designer by any means, but I get by and it beats having to hire someone.
I’m just finishing up when my phone buzzes with an incoming message. Every night around this time, I receive a private message from my unknown. She pours her heart and soul into every single one. They’re heartbreaking and emotive, even for a heartless prick like me.
I save my work, swipe my phone and begin reading.
There is a belief about an untimely death
For everyone that dies there is a rebirth
I hope and pray someone has your soul