Page 771 of Not Over You
“I beg to differ. You’re perfect for me, Lili. I hope one day you’ll realize it, too.” Fuck, she’s refusing to sit down, and I know if I leave her alone she’ll run. Lili’s worth fighting for and I have a feeling it will be a long, hard battle.
“Zane, please. I shouldn’t have come here. I’m not ready to see what’s behind that locked door. I thought I was but I’m not.”
“Lili, what do you think is in that room?”
I’m stunned when she covers her face with her hands and breathes heavily. Is she having a panic attack? Lili shakes her head and when her eyes meet mine the next words out of her mouth bring me to my knees. “Is it a red room just like in Fifty Shades of Grey?”
I find this amusing coming from a woman who writes erotica, but I bite my tongue and stifle a groan. The last thing I’d want to do is embarrass her. “I can assure you, I’m no Christian Grey. Although we might have a few things in common. Here, let me open the door so I can set your mind at ease once and for all.”
My hands tremble when I reach inside my pocket for my set of keys. And when I insert it into the lock and turn the knob, it’s my turn to want to escape. As far and as fast as I can. Unconsciously, I suck in a breath when she steps inside. My heart’s pounding when I hear a sudden inhale.
“It’s a studio. Are these your paintings, Zane?” I’m elated and relieved when Lili turns around and looks at me with admiration. Apparently, she really did think I had some sort of dungeon upstairs.
“Every single one of them. In fact, the ones hanging in my office are mine also.” I majored in art and minored in business back in college, but I don’t add that in. “My dream was to paint full time and have my own studio but unfortunately it didn’t pay the bills. Hence, the reason I started the club.”
“They’re beautiful, Zane. I mean. . . breathtakingly beautiful.” My heart swells when her fingers glide over the rough surface of the paintings. Being an artist herself, I’m certain she can appreciate the love and time spent with every individual piece. Lili looks sad when her eyes land on mine. “Please accept my apology for thinking you had secrets hidden behind this door. I had no idea you had such a talent, Zane. Your paintings should be on display for everyone to admire. Not hidden in a room where no one can see them. Have you thought of having your own showings?”
Every day of my life.
“Painting is my passion, Lili, but Club Syn is my livelihood. It pays the bills. Perhaps one day when the club can run itself then I’d certainly think about it. But, until then I’m afraid it’s just a pipe dream.”
“I bet Natalie knows a ton of people she could put you in touch with. Why don’t you let me call her and see what I can do?”
“I really appreciate your enthusiasm, Lili. But the club eats up all my spare time, and I barely have time to paint. Thank you so much for your kind gesture.”
I’m now in awe of Zane Sinclair. And I’m slowly finding out that there’s so many intricate sides to him. On the one hand he’s a phenomenal businessman. The afterparty certainly confirmed that fact. He’s also an amazing artist. From what I’ve heard, portraits are difficult to paint but Zane has captured their true essence. Perhaps even their souls. They’re so emotive and expressive that their joy and their pain jump off the canvas, capturing my heart. “Do you paint from memory or do you hire models to sit for you?”
“I’ve dabbled in a bit of both. These paintings I did from memory, but the ones in the back were models. I really prefer painting from memory, though. It pushes me to the limit to see if I can truly capture on canvas what’s in my mind’s eye. I strive on making it look as flawless and as real as possible.”
“Well, you’ve certainly pulled it off, Zane. The colors are rich and full, and the women are gorgeous. Whether real or imagined.” I know when I begin writing I have a vision, but I can go in many different directions with a character if I so choose. With painting, I don’t think you can do that. You paint the vision you see in your mind. And if you make a mistake, you certainly can’t hit the delete button and start all over again.
The amount of natural light in here is amazing, which I’m sure makes it easier to paint. I take this opportunity to walk around the room and take them all in. I don’t want to miss one. If I had to take a wild guess, I’d say there are around twenty paintings of all shapes and sizes. Zane would have more than enough for a small showing. I just might put the bug in Natalie’s ear and see what comes out of it.
There’s one that stands out above the rest. It speaks to me. “I love them all but this one’s my absolute favorite.” It’s an eight-by-ten of a woman waving goodbye. Her expression is one of heartbreak. She doesn’t want to leave but she knows she must. My eyes are filled with unshed tears when I turn to Zane. “Who is she?”
Clearly I’ve made him uncomfortable. His hands are shoved in his pockets and he shuffles his feet. “My sister.” Oh my god. Chills run along my spine. Is she waving goodbye because she’s never coming back? Is his sister dead? Everything he’s told me begins to make sense. “Zane, I’m so sorry. . . ”
“It’s not what you think. Zoe is very much alive, but we haven’t spoken in years. Look around and when you’ve had enough, I’ll be waiting downstairs.” He quickly turns on his heels and walks out the door. I know all too well what it’s like for something to be too painful to talk about.
I spend a few more minutes browsing through his paintings, since he doesn’t want to discuss his sister. I know exactly how he feels, though, since I don’t want to talk about Ryder either. Obviously, I’ve touched on a very sensitive subject, so I’ll give him more time alone. I have no idea what happened to her, but they must have been very close—unlike his bitter relationship with Zack.
When I think enough time has passed, I head back downstairs. Zane is sitting outside on the deck having a cigarette. Maybe I should just leave, but I won’t go until I tell him goodbye. “Zane, I’m going to head out. I have tons of edits to do before my book release. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful paintings with me.”
In a few long strides Zane’s standing in front of me, boxing me in. “Don’t leave, Lili. Let me show you how good we could be together.” I dissolve when his large hands land on my hips and he pulls me in.
“Come with me.” My whole body trembles when he threads his fingers through mine and guides me upstairs. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m nervous or if it’s in anticipation of what’s to come. God knows I’ve lusted after Zane Sinclair since the first day I set eyes on him.
I’m in ecstasy when his lips come crashing down on mine and his nimble fingers work their magic on my zipper. Our tongues dance while my dress slithers down my thighs. I can’t help leaning into his hands as they cup and knead my breasts before he reaches around to unclasp my bra. Which now becomes another abandoned piece of clothing haphazardly strewn about the floor. Zane spins me in his arms, until my back is pressed tightly against his chest. His heart matches my excitement as his hand slides down my taut stomach. Pure rapture holds me in its embrace as he cups my pussy. “I want this to be mine. Do you hear me?”
“Yes.” My clit throbs in the palm of his hand and my mind ceases to think coherently. How can one man hold so much power over me? Lust has no conscience and I’m about to abandon everything I’ve ever believed in. With a flick and a tug of his wrist, my thong rips from my body. Now it’s just a useless scrap of material and I’m as naked as the day I was born.
“I warned you Mr. Grey and I might have a few things in common. You’re about to find out what they are. So, if you want to run my sweet, Lili. Now’s your chance.” My mind’s telling me to take him up on that but my body’s vibrating with need. I’ve deprived myself for far too long now, so I bravely glide my hand over the bulge in his pants.
“Get on all fours, Lili.” I swallow down the imaginary lump in my throat when he removes his belt. Spanking or restraint? Those are the first two questions that immediately spring to mind. I should be scared since I really don’t know Zane at all, but his every move ignites my core and sparks the blood in my veins. For whatever reason, I trust this man.
“Since this is our first time together, I’ll go easy on you. Five sounds like a good round number, just like your sweet ass.” My pussy clenches in anticipation and I can already feel my arousal coat the insides of my thighs. “Count with me, Lili.”