Page 774 of Not Over You
“I’d love to stay, but as you pointed out you weren’t expecting anyone. I’ll give you space if that’s what you need. However, now that I know we both have demons to conquer, I think we’d be much better off fighting them together instead of on our own.” On that note, he steals one last kiss and my heart before striding out that damn door.
A few weeks pass by without a single word from Lili. I’m beyond disappointed, but there’s not a damn thing I can do about it. I’m the idiot who told her she could take all the time she needed. So, I can’t very well just show up at her door and go back on my word. Can I? No, it wouldn’t be fair to her if I did. When she comes to me—and I’m confident she will—I want her willingly and completely. No ghosts tagging along because my threesome days are a carnality of the past.
No one at work can stand being around me anymore, and I don’t blame them one bit. I’ve become difficult and restless ever since leaving her that night. At least now I have a better understanding of why she runs away when I pull her in too close. Ever since she told me about losing Ryder, I’ve been thinking about Zoe, who is very much alive. Unfortunately, she wants nothing to do with me. Well I’m fucking sick and tired of everyone I care about just slipping through my fingers. And after losing Lili, I’ll be damned if I don’t fight to get my sister back.
Ready or not, Zoe, here I come.
Several hours later, my plane’s touching down at Myrtle Beach International Airport. I’ve booked a room for only two nights and I’m not going in with any expectations, but at least I’m here. I miss my best friend and I need to confide in Zoe about Lili and see if she has any advice. Maybe it’s selfish of me after all these years to barge in unannounced, but tact has never been my forte.
All I know is that she’s married and has a two-year-old daughter. My niece, whom I’ve never seen before. The hubby is probably a loser, but I’m getting ahead of myself since I’ve never met him. Hell, I haven’t seen my sister in over eight years for that matter. She did send me my lighter when I opened the club. No note, just a gift that I’ll cherish for the rest of my life.
Once I’m settled in the back of the cab, I check my phone messages. I do feel bad for Mike because this trip was a spur of the moment. Once I got it in my head to leave, there was no changing my mind. For all I know, my staff is breathing a sigh of relief to be rid of me for a few days. By the time I’ve replied to all my messages, I’m at the hotel. I quickly pay the cabbie, grab my overnight bag and head inside. Now that I’m on her turf, I’m not going to waste another minute before confronting her. As soon as I take a quick shower, I’m heading for the beach in the hopes of finding my sister.
Within an hour, I’ve showered, thrown on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, and headed down to the beach. I was informed by one of the lifeguards passing by that number fourteen is Zoe’s station. It doesn’t take long before I’m standing directly behind it. She’s nowhere to be found so either she’s on break or walking the beach. I’d really like to wait for her to come back but it might look suspicious if I just hang around, so I decide to take a walk instead.
I don’t get very far when I see her running along the shoreline with her flotation device tucked underneath her right arm. My heart thumps wildly in my chest as she flies by me. When I turn around to see her retreating back, she comes to a screeching halt. Slowly, she spins around and glowers in my direction with her hands resting on her knees. Desperately trying to catch her breath. God, I’ve missed her so fucking much. It’s like looking in a mirror and seeing the female version of myself.
“What the hell are you doing here, Zane?” She doesn’t walk toward me, but I choose to close the distance between us.
“I was hoping that all this time apart had healed old wounds. You’re my flesh and blood and I’ve missed you so damn much.”
“Well, I hate to disappoint you, but I trusted you more than anyone and you broke my heart. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to get back to work.” Protectively, she crosses her arms tightly against her chest and I loathe myself just knowing this is because of me.
“Zoe, please. I’m begging you. If you want me to grovel, then that’s exactly what I need to do.”
“Don’t be a fool, Zane. Go back home, manage your fancy club and forget you ever had a twin. I did.”
Well, if she wanted to hurt me and gut me all in one shot, she certainly succeeded. “Zoe, we were all drunk that night and I know that’s a poor excuse, but Val knew I was a no-strings kinda guy. I made it crystal clear—”
Her hands suddenly slam against my chest with such force that I stumble back. If it happens again I’ll be prepared, but I’ll let her wail away on me if she deems it necessary. I don’t flinch when her hand connects with my face. If she feels the need to punish me for what happened, then so be it.
“I loved you with everything I am, and you repaid me by fucking the one person I begged you to stay away from. Valerie and I were best friends and you ruined everything. You’re the only reason I ran, Zane Sinclair. So, don’t you dare blame Zack. At least he was honest and told me the god damn truth. Something you didn’t have the balls to do. Oh, and by the way, the only difference between you and him is he gets paid to sleep with women, you do it all for free.” And on that note, she whirls around and picks up where she left off. Her long, dark ponytail swings from side to side as she runs as far away from me as possible.
My chest aches and the last thing I want to do is go back to my hotel room and sulk. So, I start walking in the opposite direction with no destination in mind.
When the sun is level with the horizon, I begin my trek back. I have no idea how many miles I’ve walked but I’m dying of thirst and have a wicked headache. Walking off was a foolish thing to do, but I needed to clear my head and come to the realization that Zoe and I will never make amends. I fucked up and she’ll never forgive me.
I can’t wait until I reach my hotel for a drink, so I cross the street and walk into the closest restaurant I can find. I saunter up to the bar and order a pitcher of beer along with a cold glass of iced water. Damn if I don’t rip it out of his hand before he has a chance to set it down. It’s so cold and wet that I guzzle it so fast, I get a brain freeze. Fuck that hurts. I plop down on one of the stools just so I won’t fall on my ass. I grab my head in my hands, close my eyes and wish I were anywhere but here.
“Bad day?” I open one eye and peek between my fingers. Apparently, the bartender wants to strike up a conversation. Too bad, I don’t. I cover my eyes and ignore him. He finally gets the hint and wanders to the other end of the bar. Smart, because I’m not here for conversation.
I spend the next hour or so nursing my pitcher of beer. Once I’ve had my fill, I ask for my tab, throw a fifty on the counter and stumble out of the Watering Hole. Which, by the way, is a great name for a bar. Wish I had thought of it. Oh well, I suppose Club Syn works in Seattle. It’s certainly a different kind of venue altogether.
I push through the doors and welcome the cool breeze floating off the ocean. It’s a breath of fresh air after my long trek and morose mood. It couldn’t be helped while I was sitting in the bar and reliving every little detail of what transpired between Val and me. She might have been Zoe’s best friend, but she basically became my stalker after we’d slept together. Of course, I didn’t have a chance to explain all of this to Zoe before she ran off.
When I slip inside of my hotel, I’m desperate for a smoke and a shower. Coming here was a big mistake. Next time I get a bright idea, I’ll make sure to think it through before acting on it.
I duck inside the elevator, press the button and wait. Another surge of sadness suddenly grabs me by the throat and it takes everything I have just to stand upright. But, when the elevator doors slide open and I step out, joy erupts from deep within when I see my mirror image sitting on the floor in front of my hotel room door. Waiting for me.
I haven’t been able to stop crying since seeing my brother earlier today. My husband Alex, who’s been my rock and my better half since moving to South Carolina, told me to talk to him. He knows all too well how this bad blood between us has eaten away at me day and night. So, I decided to take him up on his advice and deal with Zane once and for all. It only took a few phone calls to find out what hotel he was staying at and a little flirting on my part to get his room number. I laid it on thick about him being my long-lost brother and all. But, he’s not here. The staff assured me several times that he hasn’t checked out, so I’m going to sit here all night if need be.
My heart races every damn time the elevator pings. What I hate most of all is the pity in everyone’s eyes as they rush by. One gentleman was kind enough to ask if I needed help and I politely told him no. I’d like to think people still feel a bit of compassion, but, apparently, they’re too busy in their everyday lives to care. Not that I want a pity party, but I spend my day keeping everyone safe and I’d like to think everyone else would too.