Page 794 of Not Over You

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Page 794 of Not Over You

This right here is the reason why I love having her by my side. I might know a ton about oils, colors, and shading, but I have no clue when they ask me about this shit.

“Yes, I suppose that would be the most logical place to hang them. But I was thinking more along the lines of my master bedroom. I rather like the idea of going to sleep and waking up with her hauntingly beautiful face staring back at me. May I be so bold as to ask what inspired this collection, Mr. Sinclair?”

Right about now, I’d really like to tell him to shove his money and his pompous attitude up his ass, but once again Lili intervenes. “Before hanging them up permanently, why don’t you try several locations and then decide what works best.”

“Hmm, I hadn’t really thought about that. It’s a wonderful idea. I’ll definitely try it out. Now, back to my previous question. And not that I’m prying by any means but clearly your other paintings have more of an upbeat vibe. Especially the ones you’ve painted of Lili, for instance. I can easily compare them to the model since she’s standing right in front of me. I don’t want you to think I overlooked them because they are absolutely stunning.”

The fucktard is seriously rubbing me the wrong way but I can’t, and won’t, let him push my buttons. “I painted this collection during one of my darkest times. It was very cathartic for me since I was going through a bit of a pity party. It’s easier for me to express myself on a blank canvas than it is to scream and shout from the rooftops when no one was listening. My apology fell on deaf ears time and time again, and that’s when Forgiveness was born.”

“Ah, I see. A jilted lover perhaps?” Fuck, I want to punch that smug look right off of his face!

“Quite the opposite. A very disillusioned sibling.”

“Ah, of course. Now that you mention it, the resemblance is uncanny. Unfortunately your pain is my gain, Mr. Sinclair. And thank you for taking the time out of your busy night to answer a few of my burning questions. Now, I’ll let you get back to your other guests. It was a pleasure meeting the both of you.” I’m too dumbfounded and irate to move at the moment.

“Wow, I’m not sure what the hell that was all about, but he just spent a fortune on your paintings, Zane.”

“The money is irrelevant after he just made me feel like a criminal with his interrogation. If it weren’t for Mr. Reynold and the gallery’s reputation, I’d void the sale in a heartbeat.”

“I’ve no doubt you would, but don’t let one wealthy prick ruin your whole night. Come on, let’s go mingle with the other guests and forget about Alexander the not so great.”


Zane’s opening night was an absolute success. I wished with all of my heart that his family had shown up to support him. It was advertised in all of the local newspapers, and I made it a point to tell Nat, knowing full well she’d nonchalantly pass it along to Zack.

Being the sweetie that she is, Natalie stopped by for a few minutes without an escort. Hey, I even bent over backwards and sent an invitation to his sister Zoe down in South Carolina. I didn’t know her home address, so I sent it in care of her lifeguard affiliate. Maybe it was wishful thinking on my part, but I was hoping this might have been the catalyst for a reconciliation. An ice breaker. I know.

In hindsight, it was stupid. His family could have shown up and chaos could have ensued and spoiled the whole damn night. But, the romantic side of me just wanted to fix everything and now I know that’s impossible. Some relationships are just too broken to be repaired. So it’s time for me to just move on and focus on the two of us.

I’m all alone while he’s at the club catching up on a few things. I have no idea how he can be up at the butt crack of dawn after getting home in the wee hours of the morning. I suppose he’s used to it from all the late nights at the club. I could have easily stayed in bed but it’s too cold and empty without him next to me. And I must admit, I’m a tad cranky since morning sex has become a ritual with us, but he was in such a rush we didn’t have time. I would have settled for a quickie but he promised to make it up to me when he gets home. I can’t wait!

I should be writing while he’s gone, but I have little to no motivation whatsoever. I’ve already downed two cups of coffee for a bit of liquid incentive when my phone rings. I suddenly get my second wind when I see who is calling. “Hi Maegan, I thought you might have lost my number.”

“I could say the same thing about you, miss fancy pants author. It’s been too long and I wanted to call to find out how you’re doing.”

“I’m good, Meg. Really. I never thought I’d ever feel like me again, you know? But I do. Zane is amazing and I can’t wait for all of you to meet him.”

“And when might that be? Because that’s all Mom and Dad talk about. To be honest, I’m tired of all talk and no action. You know we Cavallons need to approve of the man before you fall head over heels for him.”

“Too late. I value your opinion and all, but no matter what you say, he’s definitely a keeper. Truth is, we were both a little broken. But what one lacked the other had in abundance. Maybe that’s why we were drawn together in the beginning.”

“No one deserves to be happy more than you do, babe. Hey, Gemma did mention he’s an artist, so you have that whole creative thing in common. That might be why you felt so connected from the start. Whatever it is, I’m happy for the both of you and we can’t wait to meet him. Hopefully sooner rather than later. Hint, hint.”

“I hear ya loud and clear, sis. It might be a bit tricky since he just had his first showing last night. It’s a three-month contract so it might have to wait until that’s over with. I wish you could have been here last night, he’s so talented. I’ll send along some pics so you can see it yourself.”

“Sounds like a plan. Did he ever paint any pictures of you?”

“Ugh, more than I care to count. But he was very selective with the ones he chose for the gallery. In fact, four of them were sold last night and only two more remain. Oh, and he sold a whole collection in a matter of a few hours.”

Meaghan and I talk for hours and it feels great to catch up. Long talks like this with my sister make me long for home. All three of us were very close growing up but college sent us all in different directions. They both met their future husbands at work and the rest is history. Now I just look forward to the times when we can all be together.

I’m just making myself a light lunch when I hear the front door slam. What the hell? I glance over my shoulder only to see Zane stalking his way over to me. By his intense stare, I’d say lunch will have to wait.

My breath catches when his chest collides with my back. He’s so close, I can feel the scorching heat emanating from his body. With his hands on either side of the counter, I’m pinned in place with nowhere to go. Zane sets me on fire with just a look. I moan just from his close proximity and tremble when he buries his face in the crook of my neck.

“Are you ready, Lili? ‘Cause I’ve been fucking hard as steel all day long, since I wasn’t able to have you this morning.” Oh, he doesn’t need to tell me how hard he is, I can feel his cock begging for release through the thick fabric of his jeans. My panties are dripping wet and he hasn’t even touched me yet.

Somehow, I manage to turn around in his tight embrace. Now his shaft is rubbing against my stomach and my nipples are cutting into his chest. His nostrils flare with the sudden change in position. Our breathing becomes erratic and I go mad with anticipation as to what’s going to happen next. The waiting is doing all kinds of funny things to my tummy.

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