Page 796 of Not Over You
“Zoe, I’d like to introduce you to Lili, the love of my life.” Lili’s hand is outstretched for a handshake, but my sister’s the one who pulls Lili in for an embrace.
“It’s so nice to meet you, Lili.” When they separate, Lili and I sit down on the sofa while Zoe gets comfortable in the chair. She makes herself at home, in my home, and that’s huge for me.
“There’s so much I need to say, but first I’d like to apologize to you, Z. You were right and I was wrong all along. I feel terrible that I wasted all these years being angry at you. I ran into Val unexpectedly and she finally came clean with what happened all those years ago. Looking back, I’m so angry that I believed my best friend and not my own flesh and blood. The other half of my heart. I’d truly understand if you don’t want anything to do with me ever again. I still can’t believe you reached out to me and I shut you down without blinking an eye.”
“It’s not necessary to bring up old hurts, Zoe. What’s important is that you’re here now and that’s all that matters to me. How and when is immaterial at this point in time. If sending you an invitation to my opening is what really brought you back again, then I’m thrilled it was sent. Now, I want to hear every last detail about your life. I hope you have tons of pictures of my niece.” The second I mention her daughter she starts to cry.
I know she’s feeling guilty and that wasn’t my intention. So I walk over, kneel down and take her in my arms. I’m not gonna lie. My heart breaks for all the years we lost but if my brave girl can put her past behind her and move on then so can I. It’s no use being bitter and angry about things we can’t change. “Zoe, all the tears in the world won’t get back what we lost. But you’re here now, so let’s play twenty questions so we can catch up.”
My heart swells when I hear him ask his sister to play twenty questions. They must have played it when they were children. Now I have a better understanding of why he’d want to play that game with me. Not only was it a quick and easy way of getting to know one another, it reminded him of happier times.
I must confess, I just about keeled over when he mentioned the invitation until the squeeze of his hand in mine reassured me that everything is how it ought to be. Watching the two of them reconnect after so long brings tears of joy to my eyes. It is also a bitter reminder of how much I miss my sisters and how long it’s been since I’ve seen my family. Perhaps its time I introduce them to Zane. A road trip might be just what I need before my next book tour.
“Am I right, Lili?” Oh no, I was so wrapped up in my own thoughts I wasn’t paying attention to a word he said.
“Sorry, Zane. I was out in la la land again.” A deep chuckle rumbles through his chest as he sits down beside me once again.
“I was just telling Zoe that I played our game of twenty questions with you and you forfeited. Remember?”
Ugh, I give him a little push. Zoe must find this amusing since she belts out a laugh. “Don’t be embarrassed on my account, Lili. Zane loves to play games but hates to lose. I’ve no doubt he found your weakness and went after it with a vengeance.”
Oh, she has no idea. Ryder was my Achilles’ heel and always will be. I fail to tell her that I found Zane’s and she’s sitting directly across from me. There’s no sense in rubbing salt into an old wound since she’s here waving an olive branch. I wanted this reunion almost as much as Zane did and his smile is well worth it.
“Your brother is a force to be reckoned with, but I love him with all of my heart. He saw something in me that I didn’t see in myself and he was willing to wait as long as necessary for me to come around. He saved me from myself and I’ll be forever grateful.” Now it’s my turn to get all emotional as I wipe a few tears that slid down my cheeks.
“I’m so happy for the both of you. I truly am. Alex is my soulmate and I can’t imagine life without him. He’s a wonderful husband and he’s the best dad ever. Emerson is definitely a daddy’s girl.”
I know Zane’s never met his niece, but at the mention of her name he becomes rigid. I love my nieces and nephew to pieces so I can’t even imagine how he feels having never met her. His voice wavers as he asks, “You named her Emerson?”
Zoe and her brother lock eyes and in that moment I can feel their mysterious connection. It’s emotional, electrifying and so breathtakingly beautiful that goosebumps break out along my skin of their own accord. “I gave her your middle name so you would always be a part of me, Zane. Yes, I was angry at you but not one day went by where I didn’t feel your pain or your loneliness. What’s yours is mine and vice versa, so I’m sure you felt it too.”
“More than you’ll ever know. And that’s one of the reasons why I immersed myself into work. I was so damn consumed with guilt over what happened that I didn’t want one iota of free time. It would have just given me the opportunity to tune into your feelings and that would have fucking broken me. Believe me, if Lili hadn’t come along when she did, I don’t know what would have happened to me.”
“Well, I’m here for a few days so I’d love to spend some time with you and Lili, if you’re free. And, since I know the artist personally, I’d love to see his paintings and your beautiful home. This is gorgeous Zane, I love it.”
“Why don’t I make us some coffee while you show Zoe around?” We all stand up, but before they go on their tour, Zane pulls me in for a hug.
He speaks so softly when he leans in that I know it’s meant for my ears only. “I don’t think you realize that you just gave me the best gift ever. I love you so much, baby.” His lips sear mine and I know he doesn’t care that his sister is standing two feet away.
It is funny, though, when she clears her throat. “Should I leave so you guys can finish what he started?”
“That’s not necessary. Contrary to what you remember, Zane doesn’t always win. Now, go show her our beautiful home and I’ll have the coffee waiting when you’re done.” I made sure to mention that it was our home so she won’t be shocked when she sees my things all strewn about. Oh god. That reminds me, did I pick up my mess after this morning’s sexcapade? Oops, one can only hope.
Day turns into night rather quickly. After a light dinner, Zane insists on driving Zoe back to the hotel instead of Alex picking her up. He wanted me to go with them, but I feigned a headache so they could spend a little more time together. I’m sure there are things she might want to talk to him about without me being glued to his side. And if I know him, he’ll want to talk to Alex for a bit too. That’s understandable. Besides, I really wanted to get a bit of writing in before bedtime anyway.
After taking a quick shower, I put on some comfy jammies and slip inside my cubby. I just love writing in here since it’s quiet and cozy. Other than sitting out on the deck, it’s my favorite place to write. The only thing missing is a cup of coffee, but I can always make a decaf when Zane comes home.
I’m just about to call it a night when Zane peeks in on me. “Hey baby. Sorry I’m late but I got to talking with Alex and we had a couple of beers. Mm, sexy PJs.” I laugh when he waggles his eyebrows at me.
“No worries. I knew it would be difficult to leave when you haven’t seen each other for so long.”
“Hey, have I told you how much I love you today, Lilianna Cavallon?”
“I believe you have but perhaps you should show me tonight how much you love me, Zane Sinclair.” I quickly close my laptop, grab his outstretched hand and let him lead me upstairs to the bedroom.
We don’t speak as he peels off my not-so-sexy jammies. No words are needed since our eyes reflect everything we’re feeling. With steady hands, I unbuckle his belt like I’ve done a hundred times before. But when I unzip his jeans, that little intake of breath he makes gets me every single time. It makes my heart race, my clit throb and my pulse quicken. I love how such a little gesture can affect us both so much. With a quick tug, he’s now naked from the waist down. He lifts his arms and I slide his shirt over his head. It’s the same beautiful dance that we’ve done every night since I moved in with him.