Page 803 of Not Over You
Him: Can I see you?”
Me: When?
Him: Tomorrow night?
Jaxon asked me to meet him tomorrow night, and although I’m not sure if I’m going, there’s something keeping me from making another commitment. Something is telling me to keep my schedule open just in case I decide to go.
Me: Can’t. I have plans. Maybe another time.
I got drunk last night. It’s what I usually do after a visit with Summer. It’s the only thing that keeps me sane afterwards. I wake up and attempt to roll over in my king-sized bed, but the leg and arm that are straddled across my body have me pinned in position. I glance over at the clock; it’s noon. I hardly ever sleep in this late. It’s a good thing I decided to take the day off.
The woman lying next to me opens her eyes and smiles. “Hi, there.”
“Hey,” I respond as I remove her body from mine. I climb out of bed, grab a towel, and wrap it around my waist. I run my fingers through my hair as I prepare for the confrontation I know is about to follow.
“Come back to bed,” she begs.
She props herself up on her elbows, and I’m almost tempted to give in. But it goes against my rules. I’m emotionally unavailable. I never make them feel like we’re exclusive. And cuddling in bed will send mixed messages. I shouldn’t have let it get this far. Spending the night is a big no-no. But I was so drunk last night, I wasn’t thinking clearly. After I left Summer, I drove to my favorite bar and drank until the bartender threatened to have me escorted home. I was stressed and needed a distraction. That’s where the beautiful woman lying in my bed came into play. I knew the minute I laid eyes on her that I would take her home. She was wearing the shortest skirt I’d ever seen, a tiny top, and danced in the middle of the dance floor, taunting and teasing every man in the bar. Mouths hung open with drool as they watched her roam her hands over her body and move her hips seductively to the music. One dance with her, and she was in my lap, tossing back shots and brushing her hands across my dick every second. I should have taken her to the back of the bar, or even inside my pickup truck. But instead, here we are. “I can’t. I’ve got things to do today.”
“But I was hoping we could hang out and get to know each other better.”
There isn’t a thing I need to know about you other than how to make you come. And I mastered that last night.
“Listen, ahhh…”
“Melony,” she answers with a scowl. “You don’t remember my name?”
“Right. Listen, Melony, last night was fun, but I’m not looking for anything more.”
“So, you just wanted to fuck me?”
“We wanted to fuck each other.”
“You’re an asshole.”
“And you’ve outstayed your welcome.”
I wait impatiently as she climbs out of bed and quickly throws her clothes on. “I don’t have any money. Are you going to, at least, drive me home?”
I grab my jeans from the floor and pull out a fifty-dollar bill. I take a few steps to the edge of the bed and toss it to her. “This should cover a cab.”
Her eyes go wide with a face full of fury. “A cab. Are you kidding me?”
“No. You can let yourself out.”
I head to my bathroom, leaving her speechless. I slam the door, turn the shower on, and remove the towel from around my waist. I step inside the shower and immediately relax as the warm, soothing water touches my skin. I close my eyes and place my palms on the shower wall as I think about the angry woman in my bedroom. When she agreed to come home with me, she had no idea she never stood a chance. None of them do. I’ve slept with dozens of women the past year, and that’s all it’ll ever be. Just sex.
My thoughts shift to Kai, hoping she decides to hear me out. She needs to know the truth. All of it. I fucked things up between us, and I want the chance to explain and make things right. I wonder what her life is like now. I wonder if she’s seeing anyone. I shake my head at the thought. Now that I’ve seen her, I can’t even stomach the thought of another man’s hands on her, touching her in places that once belonged to me. I can’t imagine another man holding her and kissing her the way I once did. A woman like Kai is rare. Any man who spends so much as five minutes with her would want to make her his. I bang my fist against the wall with frustration. She’s probably moved on, and it would be stupid of me to think otherwise. I hurt her, and I never told her why. I clean myself thoroughly and turn the water off. The wet hairs on my skin stand at attention as I exit the shower. I dry myself, wrap a clean towel around my waist, and open the bathroom door, expecting to see Melony. But my bedroom is empty, and I’m relieved she’s gone. I grab my phone and pull up my contacts. I stare at Kai’s name, wondering if she likes the flowers I sent her. Wondering if she still has this same phone number. I decide to call it and find out. If she answers, I’ll explain everything, just in case she stands me up for dinner. I’m just about to press call, but I hesitate. This is wrong. You don’t call a woman in this situation. You own up to your shit face-to-face. I owe her that much. I place my phone down on the dresser and smirk at the fifty-dollar bill Melony left behind. Attached to it is a note:
I can find my own way home. Fuck you!
I was going to relax today. I was going to drink a few beers and watch some TV to unwind. But then I got a phone call from Dr. Hailey telling me that Summer developed another infection. She assured me that it’s minor and that they were starting her on stronger antibiotics. But still, it was hard to hear. In Summer’s condition, something as minor as an infection can turn into something so much worse. I’m mentally exhausted. I’m frustrated. And I need a drink. Something stronger than beer. I enter the bar and have a seat at the end. “Give me the usual, Monty.”
“Vodka and cranberry coming right up.”