Page 805 of Not Over You
“She developed an infection, but she’s doing well.”
“That’s good to hear.”
There’s another pause. “Do you think I’m doing the right thing?”
“You’re doing a good thing, Jaxon. How many men would put their lives on hold the way you have? You take good care of her.”
“Well, technically, I’m not the one taking care of her. The Coma Center is.”
“No? Who’s paying for the Coma Center? Who makes sure she has fresh flowers? Who sits beside her and plays her favorite music? Who makes sure the staff are doing their jobs? It’s you. You may not be bathing her and changing diapers, but you are taking care of her.”
I change the subject. “I saw Kai.”
“Holy Shit! Did you tell her about, Summer?”
“Are you going to?”
“I want to.”
“You want my honest opinion?”
“Aren’t you going to give it to me anyway?”
“Yes, but I’m asking this time. This is a sensitive matter.”
“Don’t give up.”
“It’s possible she won’t want anything to do with me.”
“You’re still in love with her, right?”
“Then do whatever it takes. Wear her down until she forgives you.”
“What if she can’t accept this?”
“If you want her back, it’s a risk you’ll have to take.”
I take a deep breath. He’s right. “Okay.”
“I’ll be back at work in a few days.”
“This is why you don’t hire your best friend. They think they can choose their own work hours.”
He chuckles. “I’ll work overtime to make it up. You just take care of your business.”
“I will.” Summer’s parents walk into the room. “Hey, I gotta go, but I’ll call you later.”
I end the call and immediately tense at the sight of them. My relationship with Summer’s parents is strained, to say the least. “We didn’t think you’d be here. Otherwise, we would have waited,” her mother says.
I stand. “I was just leaving, actually.”
They take their place at Summer’s side. Her mother breaks down into tears while her father consoles her. “How long?” she asks.