Page 815 of Not Over You
“Shouldn’t you be worrying about your situation? Have you told her yet?”
“Why the hell not?”
“I tried. But she said she doesn’t want to hear what I have to say. That we’re not getting back together and we’re doing this on her terms.”
“So, she friend-zoned you?”
“You can’t friend-zone someone you fuck.”
“Yeah, you can. I do it all the time.”
I take a deep breath. “I don’t know, Adrian. My reason for bringing her here was to tell her the truth, but she’s adamant about not hearing it.” I’m distracted by the vibration of a cell phone. I stand and walk over to the dresser to see the name flashing across Kai’s screen. Owen. “This motherfucker will not stop calling.”
“This Owen guy. He keeps blowing up Kai’s phone.”
“Listen, you have to sort this shit out, Jaxon.”
I hear him, but the rage building inside me has me distracted. “Yeah, I know. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
I end the call and place Kai’s phone in my hand. I glance behind me to make sure she hasn’t come out of the bathroom and wait for him to call back. If he does, he’s going to be in for a rude awakening. But he doesn’t call back. And her phone is locked, so I can’t call him and tell him to back the fuck off. I place her phone back in the position she left it in. What the hell am I doing even attempting to look through her phone? I never once had the urge to do so when we were together. But that was different. She belonged to me then. I know I shouldn’t be jealous. I shouldn’t be angry. But the fact of the matter is that I am. I stalk toward the bathroom and open the door. Kai cracks open the shower door, allowing some of the steam to escape. “You okay?”
I force myself to stay calm. “Yeah. I just wanted to let you know that Owen called again.”
Her eyebrows narrow. “Did you answer it?”
I take a step forward. “No. But should I have answered?”
“No. Why would you?” She stares at me for a second before slamming the door. “I’m almost finished here.”
Shit! I’ve pissed her off. “Kai—”
“I said I’m almost done.”
Fuck! She’s really mad. I quickly shed my clothes, open the door, and step inside behind her. She whirls around. “What are you doing?”
I close the door, then take the pink puffy ball out of her hand. “I’m apologizing. Turn around.”
She hesitates a second before she relents. The ball is already lathered with soap, so I wash her back. “You can’t be jealous every time a guy calls me, Jaxon.”
Oh yes, the fuck I can. And I will. “I know. I’m sorry. I have no right to be jealous. It’s just like you said; you had a life before I came back.”
“Just answer one question?”
“Did he touch you here?”
My free hand moves to the front of her and circles her clit. She raises a leg and places it on one of the shower shelves while leaning back against me. “No.”
I move my mouth to her ear and speak in a low voice. “Did he kiss you here?” I place tiny kisses along her neck and collarbone.
“God, no.”