Page 819 of Not Over You
“Today. You can choose to leave now or stay a full day. You’ll receive a generous severance package. You’ll receive your bi-weekly pay as well as continuation of benefits for the next ninety days.”
I nod.
“Do you have any questions.”
I stand. “No questions. If we’re done here, I’d like to leave now.”
I feel numb. I don’t know if it’s my emotions getting the best of me or this second bottle of wine. It was Kenzie’s idea to drink my problems away. She gave me her “I told you so” about Jaxon. Then told me that this job wasn’t meant for me anyway and that now was the time to open my restaurant. So, she invited a few friends over for what she called a strategizing party. And by friends, I mean her, Liam, and Caleb. I pull her to the side and try to talk without slurring my words. “You can’t force me into a surprise double date, Kenzie.”
“It’s not a date. I just wanted you to finally meet him.”
I glance over at Caleb. “Your timing is bad. I’m unemployed. How attractive is that?”
“Forget about that. He’s hot, isn’t he?”
I zero in my focus. Caleb is one gorgeous man. He’s tall with beautiful brown eyes and curly black hair. “Yeah, he is.”
“So, get to know him. Forget about Jackass Jaxon. You gave him a chance, and you see where that got you.”
Caleb makes his way over to me. “Shit, he’s coming over here.”
Kenzie squeezes my arm. “Just relax.”
He smiles when he stops in front of me. “Thanks for inviting me. I’ve been looking forward to meeting you.”
Kenzie walks away, leaving us alone. “Likewise. I’ve heard good things about you.”
“Same here. Although Kenzie should have prepared me a little more…you’re drop-dead gorgeous.”
His comment and the wine make me blush. “Thank you.”
He looks around. “You have a nice place. I don’t live that far from you.”
I’m about to reply, but I see Kenzie grab her purse. “Liam and I have an emergency.”
“Excuse me for a minute.”
I rush over to her and whisper, “What do you think you’re doing?”
“You’ll be fine. Call me tomorrow.”
I silently plea with her to stay, but she laughs it off, and she and Liam leave me alone with Caleb. I turn around, and he’s smiling. “Let me guess. This was a setup.”
I nod. “Yup.”
“If this makes you uncomfortable, I can leave. We can do this another time.”
“No. It’s okay.”
The truth is, I need the distraction. I don’t want to think about Jaxon. Or losing my job. I just want to unwind. “More wine?”
“No. But I’ll take another beer.”
I grab one from the refrigerator and hand it to him. “So, Kenzie tells me you’re a doctor.”
“Yeah, I’m an emergency room doctor at All Saints Hospital.”
“Sounds interesting.”