Page 859 of Not Over You
She laughs and pulls my hand, walking down the stairs. We half walk, half jog back to our block, only stopping three hundred times to kiss. Finally, we make it to her house, unlock the door and run to her room without turning a single light on.
“Are you sure about this?” I ask once we are in her room, breathing hard, the sexual tension thick.
“I am, I want you to be my first. Can I be yours?” she asks as she walks to me, pulling the hem of her dress up and I catch a flash of white panties.
“I’m yours and you’re mine, Hatchet, and I’d be honored to be anything with you.” I reach to pull her to me and she backs up a little, shaking her head.
She walks around to the other side of the bed and pulls her dress up and over her head in one fell swoop. She is not wearing a bra and I was wrong, her panties aren’t white, they are lavender, lacy, and a thong.
“Gorgeous,” I croak out, and I’m pretty proud of myself for not saying something stupid like, ‘boing,’ ‘ayooga,’ or ’holy shit.’
She blushes and then dives into the bed under the covers. The house is icy with the central AC pumping so while I was sweating earlier because of the heat, I am now sweating because of what we are about to do. Quickly, I shed my shirt and shorts, leaving my boxers on in case she changes her mind.
I jump in the bed next to her and turn on my side to face her. She is smiling but I can tell she’s a little nervous since she’s gnawing on the side of her lip again.
“We are going at your pace,” I say wanting her to feel comfortable and in control.
She leans her head up on her elbow, making the covers fall to her waist so I have a full view of her breasts. I never really thought about what made a perfect breast but hers are amazing.
“Our pace,” she says, pulling my attention to her eyes. “We can both do what we want then see how it goes. I’m sure about this, so know that I’m on board. I’m an enthusiastic yes.”
“Okay,” I say reaching to put my hand on her hip, then inching it up to where I’m barely touching the underside of her boob. “As long as you know you can change your mind at any time.”
She turns away to get something from her bedside drawer and my hand falls to cup her breast, my thumb flicks over her hard nipple.
She gasps and turns back, placing a condom on her pillow. “Do that again,” she says and I do and lean in to take her other nipple into my mouth and suck, knowing she’s liked this in the past. “Holy shit,” she says and I chuckle because I can.
I press her shoulder so she rolls onto her back and I follow so I’m above her my hips settling at hers. Dipping down, I suck on her other nipple as she threads her hands through my hair. After worshipping both of her tits equally, I move to her neck up along her jaw and kiss her full on the mouth. Her hips jerk up to meet my dick which is very hard again and I give a little thrust while I devour her mouth.
We’ve been here before with more clothes and with just the thin fabric of our underwear between us it’s a different world. Her hands go to my sides as she starts to pull at my waistband. I lift my hips to help her, and then get rid of her lacy panties next. This is it, we are both completely naked. I pull the covers down a little and make my way down, kissing in between her breasts to her belly button. I stop there and look at her.
“Don’t stop,” she whispers.
So, I don’t, I keep going and find the most beautiful spot in the world. I run my nose up and down her pubic hair and then lick her clit with my tongue. She moans very loudly so I take that as positive reinforcement and do it again. Her hands return to grip my hair and I really like when she does that.
A friend of mine told me that if you are lucky enough to have a girl that wants to sleep with you, you should always go down on her first. I’m not sure if he’s right, but I figure it doesn’t hurt to please her as much as possible before we do the deed.
I keep licking and sucking on her and with the way she is pulling my hair and circling her hips I think I’m doing it right. My research (my aunt’s erotica books and porn) tells me to add a few fingers and I take one and circle just under where I’m licking her and slide it in.
“Oh,” she calls and I stop for a minute looking up at her again. She nods at me and I keep going, moving my finger in and out gently until I feel confident that I can add another. After a few minutes, her moans get a little louder and then she stops, her whole body going rigid. I feel her throbbing as I lick her a few more times, curling my fingers in and out as her orgasm squeezes them.
When she is calm and her breathing starts to slow, I remove my fingers and kiss her pretty clit one more time. Once I make it back to hover over her, I can tell I did something right. She is smiling and looks a lot more relaxed.
“You’re going to do that to me again,” she says and I laugh and hide my head in her hair.
“You liked it?”
“Nope, I loved it.”
I come out of hiding and look at her again. She leans up and kisses me. I have no idea what I did in life to get this lucky to meet such an amazing woman at my age but I’m happy she’s even letting me anywhere near her. We start to make out hot and heavy again, my dick is ready to explode. It’s a miracle I didn’t come while I was down there.
“Here,” she says grabbing the condom and putting it in my hand. “I’m beyond ready to have you inside me. I want you, Owen.” My heart skips a beat when she says my name.
As quickly as I can, I try to roll the condom on and I fail as it pops off and lands on Mollie’s arm. My entire body must be red from embarrassment as I try again and fail. I drop to my side and cover my eyes with my hand.
“Hey, it’s okay,” Mollie says, taking my hand away and getting in my face. “Can I try?”
I nod and she takes the condom I tried with, flicks it into the trash, and gets another out. She holds my dick in her hands and I’m worried again about blowing it. I watch as she fits the condom on the tip of my dick and then rolls it down the shaft, leaving room at the tip.