Page 877 of Not Over You
“I won’t be a pawn in your mother-daughter chess game, Hatchet,” I tease. “If you want me there, then that’s where I’ll be. Don’t you want your mom to like me?”
She stands on her toes and lands a peck on my lips. “She does like you, she’s just mad because I called her out on her shitty parenting. It has nothing to do with you and all to do with her disappointing me countless times. She’s the one who missed my birthday, and her guilt around that is manifesting as anger towards you.”
“Or could it be she doesn’t like that I’m fucking her daughter?”
She swats me in the chest. “I’m sure she didn’t want to actually see me with a naked man in my bed, but she’s pretty open about that stuff.”
“Are you open about stuff?” I ask dipping down to kiss her jaw and smell her delicious scent. She smells like the ocean and some other light tropical scent. During the day she is all salt and coconut from her sunscreen, but after she showers, she is all cherries and oranges like a mai tai. I can’t get enough.
She giggles and pushes me away. “Is that a serious question after the other night?” Her blush is adorable and it makes me want to kick the door shut and dirty her up.
Instead, I thread my hands through her silky hair and kiss her. Our tongues tangle immediately and I turn to press her against the wall next to the door letting her feel how serious I am about that question. I keep my hands above her neck, knowing her mom is nearby. I can’t trust myself to keep it family friendly. We’re probably walking the line as it is.
We continue to kiss and although my hands are being good, I can’t say the same for Mollie’s as hers grip onto my ass pulling me even closer.
“Time to go,” her mom calls and I laugh as she squeezes my butt even harder, then slaps it.
“You heard the lady,” she says with a devilish sparkle in her eye. “Time to go.”
As she pulls from me, she slips her hand to the front of my pants, where my dick could probably hammer nails, it’s so hard, and glides her hand up my shaft.
“Fuck, you’re not a nice person,” I say and she laughs a dirty little laugh because of course she’s the nicest person I know.
“Meet you at the car,” she says, picking up her purse then walking out the door. I take a minute to think about the scary dildo I found in my aunt’s bathroom the other day and my dick deflates pretty quickly.
We go to The Gables which is one of the fanciest restaurants I’ve been to, and not just on the island. It’s got an old-fashioned romantic vibe and it’s somewhere I’d take my wife of 20 years for our anniversary.
When we arrive Mollie laughs because it’s literally a five minute walk but her mom insisted on driving. “Mom, we could have walked.”
“Not in these shoes,” she says pointing to her four inch stilettos. The contrast between the formal dress and casual beachiness of Mollie and her mother is stark. Gail is in a fitted black linen dress with the aforementioned sky-high shoes in a blood red. Mollie, on the other hand, is in her blue, billowing long dress, made a little fancier by the long pendant and drop earrings, and her wedge sandals.
Somehow my dressing to impress works in my favor as I don’t stand out amongst the other diners. Mollie’s mom speaks with the hostess and we are led to a table immediately. An extra place setting is added while I pull out a chair for Mollie so I know I’m a late addition to this dinner.
“Thank you for inviting me along, Ms. K, I’ve heard this place has amazing food.”
“It does, and I’m delighted you could accompany us,” she says, making it clear that she is anything but delighted and doesn’t ask me to call her Gail like she usually does.
“Mom, we are here for my birthday and if you’re going to be rude to my boyfriend we will leave and go eat pizza at Bay Village,” Mollie warns and as much as I love that pizza, I’m willing to take a little rudeness to try the scallops at this fancy place.
“Of course, dear.”
“Gail,” I say and she gives me a sharp look despite previously insisting on me calling her by her first name, “I want you to know that although we’ve only known each other for a few months, I’m in love with Mollie, she’s it for me.”
Mollie squeezes my hand and I squeeze back.
Her mom laughs. “You are both 18 and maybe you think that automatically makes you adults but you have no idea what it means. Sure, you’re infatuated with each other, the sex is probably good, but you don’t know anything about love.”
“Wow, mom, jaded much?”
“Maybe, or maybe you both are incredibly naive to think this is going anywhere except heartbreak at the end of the summer.” She says this as she casually scans the menu like we are discussing if we should get the frog legs as an appetizer.
I shrug. “Maybe we are naive but I don’t care. I’m old enough to know how I feel about Mollie isn’t just some crush or summer fling.”
We are interrupted by the waiter, thankfully and I take pleasure in ordering the three-course meal with scallops while Mollie looks just as joyful ordering lobster. Her mom gets lobster as well and a whole bottle of wine.
The rest of the dinner is awkward and tense, but the food is amazing.
Mollie’s mom lets her drive home since she consumed most of the wine after pouring each of us a small glass. I’m dismissed but Mollie comes to find me on the deck.