Page 886 of Not Over You
Mollie runs at full speed to the water, having ditched her sandals with the bike. I follow at a more leisurely pace, watching her peachy ass in a pair of tight, white shorts. She doesn’t stop as she wades through the surf, the water reaching the tops of her knees. She bends down and takes a handful of water, throwing it up in the air over her head.
She’s laughing as I sidle up next to her and I smile, her joy is infectious. “What are you doing wild girl?”
“I’m living in the moment.” She splashes me and I turn to her with a serious look.
“Are you looking to get dunked?” I ask as she starts to back away from me.
“Owen, no please don’t dunk me, I promise I’ll be a good girl and won’t tease you about being soft and pussy whipped.”
I huff out a laugh and lunge for her as she dodges my advance. “I haven’t had near enough of that pussy for it to be whipping me.”
“There’s no way I’m getting on that thing,” she says in a deep voice. “It’s a scam.”
I dive forward again and she runs back to shore, dropping to the ground. I sit down next to her and pull her to me, kissing her long and hot.
“You’re so getting dunked later,” I say, pulling back from her mouth.
“Promises, promises,” she teases and I pin her to the sand, hovering over her.
I look at her as she smiles back at me, so playful and sweet. “I can only promise that I won’t hurt you again like I did all those years ago.”
My hair grazes her face and she reaches out to tuck it behind my ear. “I love the long hair and the beard,” she says, rubbing her hand along my jaw and I lean into her touch.
“It’s my stranded on a deserted island look.”
She laughs and pulls me down to kiss her again. We stay like that for a while until we hear a dog barking. We sit up and see a couple walking with their black lab so we dust the sand off and head back to the tandem bike from hell.
“You sure you’re good in front?” she asks and I roll my eyes at her.
“Just get on, freeloader.”
The ride back is harder and when I think it might be the wind, I turn back and see her resting her feet on the bar, letting the pedals go on their own.
She winks at me not caring that I caught her.
“You’re in so much trouble when we get back,” I call to her in the breeze.
“Oh, I know,” she replies and I smile, pedaling a little faster.
Later, after we’d dirtied up that shower like old times, she lay in my arms and I thought about the last time I saw her before we met again weeks ago.
Walking across the stage at my UConn graduation felt great. I worked my ass off and to be done with undergrad is a real accomplishment. Is anyone here to wish me well? Unfortunately, no since my dad wouldn’t dream of taking the day off to come see his only son graduate college, and my Aunt Lucy is in Europe and sounded honest in her regret that she couldn’t make it.
I toss my cap up with the rest of my classmates and head out of the stadium to my apartment. Once there, I get a text from my father telling me there’s a car waiting and to wear a tie. I look down at myself in a suit and tie from graduation and I pull the tie off and throw it across the room.
The car is nice and the ride both relaxes me and riles me up. We arrive in the city a few hours later and the car deposits me in front of a fancy steak house attached to a fancy hotel.
“Here he is, my son the graduate,” my dad calls as the hostess escorts me to the corner booth where my father and one of his law partners, Jack I think, sit. God forbid we just have a nice family dinner. Not when he could be doing business too.
I take his offered hand and shake it, then shake the partner’s hand as well. A glass and a strong pour of whiskey is immediately set before me as I slide in next to my father. The booth could fit six people comfortably, and the restaurant is not empty.
“Are more people coming?” I ask, gesturing to the large table.