Page 35 of Alphahole
Huh, home.
I smiled, warmth ballooning in my chest. I was home. The people surrounding me were my home. No matter where we were or what we were doing—including what happened in the next couple of weeks with this trip or with work when we were back in Aus—I was home. I’d found my place, my people.
I kissed Zali’s temple again and tightened my arm around her before nudging her closer to Flynn. It was time to let loose for a while, relax, and have some fun.
With the four of us surrounding Flynn, walking around him, and eying him like he was our next meal, Flynn moved quicker. His face flushed a pretty pink, and his hands shook as he rushed to strip his shirt off, dropping it unceremoniously on the deck at his feet. His knee-length denim shorts were next, but he paused when he reached the tiny pair of navy-blue briefs. His chest rose and fell, his breathing choppy and his body trembling with need.
Ry stroked his cock, licking his lips as he eyed off all the naked skin before him. Tristan’s jaw ticked, and even though he wasn’t as tall as Ry, his bulk and that bossy alpha side of his personality made him seem larger than life. Zali ran her fingernail down Flynn’s back, and he arched, tensing every muscle in his torso and making his erection flex.
“Take them off, beautiful boy,” I ordered, a distinct rasp in my voice. I stepped closer, the heat of his body in front of mine drawing me into him. We swayed closer, my hands brushing his abs as I reached up to hook my fingers into the elastic at his waist. Flynn sucked in a breath, his back pressing against my chest, and I dropped to my knees, skimming my lips down his back before I nuzzled his arse cheek.
He turned in my arms, and I tugged his underwear down, humming as I freed Flynn’s hard cock. Running my lips over the barbells in it, I inhaled deeply, getting high on his musk and tasting the drop of pre-cum that had beaded at his slit. Flynn sucked in a shaky breath and threaded his fingers through my hair, holding me in place as I laved him.
“Let’s take this into the water,” Zali said from beside Flynn as she jacked him slowly. Flynn’s eyes rolled back into his head, and she positioned his cock at my mouth, letting me get another taste of his pre-cum. I fucking loved it when he leaked for us. Closing my lips around his crown, I sucked and was rewarded with more of his flavour on my tongue. I wanted all of it. But Zali had other ideas.
She grasped his cock, using my spit to lube the way for her strokes before letting go and walking backward to the ladder. She crooked her finger in a come-hither motion and made shimmying down it look sexy. She picked up a set of goggles and a snorkel, and a moment later, she was treading water as she fitted the mask into place.
Ry was next, diving off the bottom step of the ladder into the water below, mask already in place. “Flynn, you next,” he called. I stood up and fitted Flynn with his mask before I grasped his hand and led him to the ladder. I didn’t give him a chance to debate Ry’s order, but he didn’t resist. Flynn didn’t like the water or the creatures that lived in it, so snorkelling was pushing him outside his comfort zone.
Ry pulled Flynn into his arms as he sank into the water, and Flynn wrapped himself around Ry, riding on his back like a baby koala does to its mother. They lingered at the ladder, letting Flynn get used to the water.
“Go,” I said to Tristan, planting a kiss on his luscious lips before handing him another mask and snorkel. “I’m right behind you.”
I grabbed my underwater camera and hooked it around my wrist before swimming out after them.
Ducking my face down, I breathed through the snorkel and looked around, watching as Tris pulled his snorkel out and Zali mirrored his move, kissing him as they floated underwater above the coral. I snapped a photo of them, the kaleidoscope of colours a beautiful contrast to their bodies and the shafts of sunlight penetrating the surface casting a shimmery glow that haloed them.
Ry and Flynn swam over to them along the surface, Flynn still holding tight to Ry but no longer on his back. He was pointing at the schools of fish darting in and out of the protection of the coral. It was in constant movement but also at peace.
I wanted to remember this moment forever. Utter tranquillity settled in my soul. I wasn’t sure we’d ever manage to recapture the relaxation that we’d stolen in this moment during an otherwise chaotic summer. That was the part of all this that I worried about the most. I had to keep Benedict alive despite Zali and Ry’s intentions.
Would they hate me for it? Probably.
But if it meant saving them from suffering the guilt of taking his life, I’d take their being pissed at me every day for the rest of mine.
Nerves from contemplating the future betrayal churned in my gut. Even though I had a good reason, I hated acting like a double agent trying to push my agenda on the people I loved the most.
I had to cling to the knowledge that it was necessary. I may be a shitty cop who flouted a hell of a lot of rules, but there was one I wouldn’t let the loves of my life cross. I didn’t give a shit about the law’s stance on murder, but I knew once they crossed that line, there was no coming back. It would eat them alive.
I swam closer to our centre—Zali—and duck dived under. The water was warm and crystal clear. The tide was about to turn, the incoming current from deeper in the Strait would make diving deeper necessary. But for now, I looked at the marvels of the natural world, letting the lingering worries wash away in the late afternoon sun and the tepid sea.
The water flowing around my naked body was unlike anything I’d ever experienced. It was sensual and freeing, as if it was kissing my skin, touching all the places that only I or my lovers touched. I basked in the sensation, floating underwater and just feeling the push and pull. I got it now. I knew exactly why Zali loved it. After experiencing it, I wasn’t sure whether I’d ever be able to put on a pair of togs again. Swimming in board shorts or even Speedos could never live up to this.
We swam like that for what felt like hours, Ry and I taking it in turns to swim along the surface with Flynn and taking photos of everything. It didn’t matter whether we were at the surface or below it—it was magical. But I didn’t argue when Ry swam up and said breathlessly, “Go and check out the coral down there. There are so many fish.”
I ducked underwater and was again surrounded by the incredible beauty. Tiny brightly coloured fish darted in and out of the seagrass and soft corals. Larger silver fish—the size of a baseball but flat—schooled, turning on a dime in perfect synchronicity. Others, larger still, swam along the reefs at a more leisurely pace, their life moving in slow motion until prey caught their eye. It was like being in a city, movement everywhere, but no city I’d ever seen compared to the one I was looking at. The bright corals in all shapes and sizes were incredible. Even the soft corals were amazing. But the fish absolutely stole the show—yellow, hot pink, blues, greens, and orange with stripes and spots—as far as the eye could see.
I stayed under as still as I could for as long as I could. I didn’t want to surface, but my lungs were screaming, my body’s instinct to breathe overriding the wonder I was seeing.
Breaking the surface, I could already see Tristan and Zali in the shallows. Reclined on her back in the water, Zali floated leisurely in the lagoon. Her lightly tanned body was a beautiful contrast to the aqua water and deep blue of the late afternoon sky.
Zali held her hand out to me, and I swam into the shallows toward them. It was only chest deep and closer to the shore, and the lapping of the water increased the rushing against my body. I moaned, my dick thickening as the push and pull stroked against my skin.
“You should feel it when you’re floating,” Zali said knowingly with a wicked smirk.
The moment we linked hands, rightness washed over me like a comforting blanket. It wrapped around me, warming my chest and sending butterflies fluttering around in my belly.
“Lie back with me,” Zali encouraged. With my arms out to my sides and my legs spread, I let my head relax back in the water, its lapping kissing my sides and between my legs. My nerve endings lit up, and my cock stood tall, like a flower reaching up toward the sun. I gave myself a pump and choked as I sank below the surface, my body locking up tight as sensation shot through me.