Page 7 of Fighting the Lure
Whatever secret Sam was keeping, it was a big one. Foreboding swept over me. Somehow I had the feeling it was a stone I didn’t want to overturn.
Didn’t mean I wouldn’t try, though.
Chapter Four
My first client had canceled, which left me with a morning gap before the next on my list—Ames.
I should’ve arrived early and pounded out these nerves on the mat, but I’d amped them up with espresso instead. My hands full, I juggled my coffee cups to tug the door to Knockout open. Once I managed it, I stepped over to the front counter. Emmit glanced up, those sharp eyes as alert as ever.
“Don’t tell me you brought coffee?” he said, chewing on his lower lip.
I plunked the latte in front of him. “You know I wouldn’t forget you.”
“Your new client already got here.” He ran his finger across the clean surface of the desk as if he could make it shine more.
“Fuck, I’m not even dressed yet.” I wrinkled my nose. I saluted with my cup of coffee and headed straight for the locker rooms. The duffel weighing down my right shoulder carried everything I needed—including multiple changes of clothes. With how disgusting I got here, I always brought extra for a workday.
My insides short-circuited at the thought of Ames waiting for me. She was probably in with the heavyweight bags, warming up. I’d been wanting to see her again just as much as I hadn’t. The conflicting feelings hadn’t abated from the second she’d shown up at Knockout the other day, but these weren’t ones I could run from.
I sucked down a swig of my scorching hot coffee, relishing the robust flavor as I entered the locker room. Three rows of big black lockers stretched out in front of me, and I could hear the hiss of the showers from the back. I placed my coffee and duffel on the bench of the last row of lockers, the ones normally used by employees. The motions came automatically as I stripped down, tugging off my tee to reveal the sports bra underneath. I opened the zipper of my duffel and grabbed my shorts.
The shower shut off, and footsteps thumped along the tile floor.
Ames appeared into view.
I just about swallowed my tongue.
All she wore was a towel wrapped around her, which barely covered those creamy thighs, and her wavy hair cascaded to her shoulders in wet ringlets. Droplets of water clung to her skin, and I wanted to lick each one off before peeling the towel from her body. Fuck. The dirty thoughts kept marching in, even knowing who Amelia was.
She walked up beside me and cracked open the locker nearest to me. “This one taken?”
I attempted to regain my composure. The sight of her delivered a punch to the solar plexus in a variety of ways. “Have at it,” I said. My shorts were still in my hand, and I had to rip my gaze off her so I didn’t get caught flat out gawking.
I tugged my sweats down, more than aware of Ames in my peripheral. I’d changed next to pretty much anyone in the lockers with no thought, but between our history and how she’d grown into a fucking stunner—goddamn. My skin prickled with awareness, and I kept my gaze on the floor as I slipped on my shorts as fast as possible.
When I glanced back up, Ames dropped the towel.
If I’d been in shock before, I was KO’d now.
Her body was compact muscle, a fucking work of art. Lightly tanned skin with a few scars, and round, stunning tits with dark pink nipples. Her hips were the perfect handles, and the trimmed curls at her pussy had my mouth watering. Oh lord. A small smirk twisted her lips.
Real fucking professional, Sam.
Gawking at my client was the last thing I should be doing.
Gawking at Nina’s best friend was definitely the last thing I should be doing.
“Let’s try sparring today,” I said, heat rushing through me faster than I could control. I stuffed my bag into the locker, making sure not to look in her direction. “I’ll meet you in the ring once you’re ready.”
I pivoted on my heel and made a quick retreat for the door.
Her dulcet tone had me stopping midstride. My pulse thumped so hard I could hear it, and those flames were still rushing through me in full force. That sort of lust could make a woman fucking stupid.
“What’s up?” I turned to her again.