Page 10 of Peppermint Passion
“Mom is excited to meet her favorites, despite having met them before,” I say from the sidelines.
“You can never meet your movie boyfriends too many times,” she says, causing Shelby and I to laugh. Suddenly, Mom's shoulders droop as she pats her forehead. The uncharacteristic weak act has my guard rising. What is she up to?
“I'm afraid after meeting everyone today I'm going to be pretty fatigued, though, and poor Eli has this charity gala tonight.” She pinches my bicep. “Perhaps you could step in for me and be his date?”
“Mom!” Embarrassment swamps me at my mom trying to set me up with Shelby as if I can't do it myself. This isn’t fucking middle school, where we need go-betweens because we’re too shy to actually speak to each other.
“Oh, I couldn't. It sounds like it'd be a special thing between you two.”
“Pish posh.” Mom waves her hand. “I've been to a couple of these things, and they're all the same. I'd rather get some rest before tomorrow, the last day of MerryCon. I don't want to be exhausted before I complete my itinerary.” She acts like she's about to hike Machu Picchu instead of standing in line to meet a couple of movie stars.
“Please, dear,” she lays it on thick as she reaches for Shelby's hand. “You'd be doing me a great favor.”
“Well…” Shelby wavers, her eyes darting to me for help. All I can do is shrug in acceptance. When Mom puts her mind to something, she can be as stubborn as they come. Besides, it’s not like it’ll be a hardship escorting Shelby to the gala. I want more time with her and this is the perfect excuse.
“Then it's settled. Do you need a gown?”
“I still have a bridesmaid dress I could wear. It’s Christmas-themed from a few years ago so it should work, I think.”
“Excellent.” Mom claps her hands, perking back up, and I shake my head at her deviousness. Although, I'm excited for the opportunity to spend the evening with Shelby. “He'll pick you up at seven tonight. Eli, do you have this young lady's number?”
“Not yet.” I offer my phone to Shelby so she can put it in, and we share a secret smile, both aware of what my mom is doing but unable to refuse her. Shelby hands my phone back before waving goodbye, and I watch as she leaves.
My mom playfully slaps my shoulder. “You didn't tell me you met somebody.”
“That's because we only met yesterday,” I say, sitting back in my chair as I wait for the doors to open and my line to fill up with fans. For some reason, today I'm not as opposed or frustrated about meeting everybody.
“Well, she seems like a nice girl. And it's about time I get some grandkids.”
“Mom, I just said we met yesterday and you're already thinking about grandkids?”
“It's not often that you're interested in someone, Eli. I saw the way you looked at her. It's obvious this girl has caught your eye, so I'm not going to let a perfectly good opportunity for the two of you to get to know each other pass.”
“Thank you for interfering, although I'm perfectly capable of securing my own dates.”
She harumphs and crosses her arms. “Yes, we see how capable you've been.” Her brows raise, knowing full well I've never brought a woman home for anything.
My last serious relationship was only three months and most of that was long distance. “Acting isn't exactly conducive to relationships.”
“You'll make it work for the one that matters.”
And somehow I believe her.
Maybe all those holiday films she’s forced me to watch are finally rubbing off on me. Or maybe it’s Shelby’s special brand of magic.
The ride into the city is easy and comfortable as Shelby and I relay how our days went—her fielding a lot of customers while I met a ton of fans. Our driver parks outside the hotel hosting the gala, and a valet opens our door.
“Welcome.” He waves us forward, and I place a guiding hand at the small of Shelby's back.
I haven't seen her dress yet because she's bundled up tight in a long winter jacket and scarf, but soon the silky red fabric is revealed like a damn Christmas present as she unwraps her outerwear.
“Wow,” I breathe. Shelby was beautiful in overalls when I first met her and earlier today in leggings. But now in this slinky dress that conforms to her luscious body and fuck me heels, she's a gorgeous Christmas angel with curves in all the right places.
“Do you think it's fancy enough?” she asks, nerves trembling in her voice.
“Are you kidding? You're the most beautiful woman here,” I say, eyeing the men around us in annoyance. A wave of possessiveness takes over.