Page 14 of Peppermint Passion
Shelby's words replay in my mind the rest of the night as I toss and turn in bed. How can I sleep knowing that tomorrow is potentially the last time I'll see her?
The answer is I can't.
So finally around 4 a.m., I drag myself out of bed, change into sweats, and head down to the hotel gym. Maybe some exercise will clear my head. Will provide a solution to our dilemma.
Because Shelby had a point.
I'm due in Vancouver tonight. I'll be there for at least a month. More if I land a regular spot on the show. Even if I don’t, there’s always another job. I can't expect Shelby to follow me around the country for shoots. Some spouses do, but she runs her own business. A brick and mortar store. She can't leave that behind, and I’d never expect her to.
The lady from the gala’s words float in my mind. Partners supporting each other. Encouraging the ones they love.
The treadmill pounds beneath my feet as I up the speed. If this were one of the movies I’ve starred in, there'd be an easy solution. A perfect ending tied up with a bow. However, this is real life. The fact I've lamented for years.
But maybe I can learn from all those movies I've been in. Maybe there's something to be said for my characters’ actions. A big gesture at the end to win the girl.
The idea has merit.
Stopping the treadmill. I stare at myself in the wall to wall mirrors, sweat creeping down my brow. A big gesture. That might win Shelby over. But what happens when I have her?
I mull over the possibilities until a plan begins to form in my mind, and it’s not long after that I’m calling my agent.
We’ve got work to do if I’m going to win my girl.
MerryCon is a circus for the last day of the event. My line is ridiculously long, and I haven't had a break all morning. Doesn’t matter. Soon it'll be time for me to put my plan into action. The knowledge buoys my energy.
“I'm proud of you,” Mom says from her place next to me. The fans have gotten a kick out of meeting my mom. She's loved discussing her favorite movies and stars with everyone who's stopped by.
“Why’s that?” I ask, signing another autograph book.
“Because you're fighting for love. You're giving in to Christmas magic. Something I doubted I'd ever see.”
“Your romantic tendencies finally rubbed off on me,” I admit.
“I suppose you're right.”
My volunteer ropes off my line, as requested, to give me a break, and Mom, realizing it’s time, reaches underneath the table to pull out the wrapped cookie tin of snickerdoodles I made for Shelby. It was a pain getting the hotel to agree to let me use their kitchen on such short notice, but eventually, they'd relented. I'd whipped these up this morning right before my ride to MerryCon arrived.
Taking the tin of cookies, I wink. “Wish me luck.”
She gives me a hug. “You don't need it. If Shelby can't see what a catch you are, then she's not the one for you. But I've got a good feeling.”
“I hope you're right.” She follows me into the vendor section, where I head straight for Chic Charm Crafts. Shelby is busy laughing with a customer, and her beauty has me rubbing the spot above my heart. She lights up the room with her smile.
A calmness settles over me. This is right. Whatever happens, Shelby and I will make this work.
“Eli, what are you doing here?” Her brows scrunch up in confusion as I set the tin of cookies on her table. “What's this?”
“A Christmas gift.” A murmur of awe begins behind me as MerryCon attendees curiously watch to see what'll happen next. Last year, it was a huge deal when Thatcher North fell for his event volunteer. I suppose I'm about to create another buzz, falling for a vendor.
But I don't care. Publicity is the last thing on my mind.
“I baked you snickerdoodles like I said I would. And I've got one more thing for you.” The beginning strands of Chase Bryant’s version of Blue Christmas begin to play as I retreat a step before singing the first line. I'm not a great singer, but this is my declaration to Shelby.