Page 6 of Peppermint Passion
“It’s Christmas. Anything can happen, right?” And wouldn’t that prove Mr. Christmas Grump wrong if his friend fell for a small town girl like Corinne?
“Next up, we have Shelby Heights!” The emcee announces my name, and I whip my head around.
“What’s he talking about? I just got here.”
“I put your name down to reserve a spot. You know how long the waitlist gets.” She’s not wrong. But still… Getting on stage to sing a Christmas song while Eli watches sends my heart into overdrive as I wipe my sweaty palms down my leggings.
“Looks like we have a shy one, folks. Let’s give Shelby some encouragement!” He starts clapping and others join in, all smiling and looking around for me.
Damn. There’s no escaping now.
Glaring at Corinne, I stand up and weave through the crowd until I’m on the raised stage, the microphone slippery in my hands. I awkwardly wave while waiting for my song to begin. Who knows what the hell Corinne chose for me?
The sultry notes of Santa Baby spill from the speakers, and I swear I’m going to kill Corinne. Santa Baby? Really? She had to choose a sexy song about wanting a rich husband and all sorts of expensive gifts, especially when I could feel Eli’s focused stare on me.
Damn, damn, and double damn.
At least my voice doesn’t suck as I suffer through the first verse. Four years of choir in high school, then another four in college gives me a bit of a confidence boost that I’m not completely humiliating myself in front of Eli.
Liar. A hot flush leaves sweat dampening the ugly Christmas sweater I changed into before arriving. Who am I kidding?
This is the most embarrassing moment of my life.
Of course she can sing.
I take another sip of my beer and stare in awe as Shelby’s bewitching voice continues to rasp about needing Santa to give her everything she desires. I may not be Kris Kringle, but I sure as hell am willing to give her what she needs.
Like a long hard fuck.
After she’s finished, Shelby returns to the bar where her friend gives a thumbs up at the performance. I excuse myself from the group I came with and approach her on the other side. “So, you sing. You craft. I suppose it's safe to assume you’re an amazing baker. Is there anything you can’t do?” It would fit her Hallmark heroine personality.
“Sorry to disappoint you, but I’m hopeless in the kitchen.” Shelby tosses her hair over her shoulder and shrugs while her friend eyes me curiously before making herself scarce. Smart girl. Leaving the two of us alone.
“I guess that makes sense,” I tease, daring to trail a finger down her arm, needing to touch her even in a small way. “There always needs to be one flaw. Can't be too perfect.”
Shelby laughs and shakes her head. “My one flaw… If only. The silver lining is I may not be able to bake, but clearly, I know my way around the bakery section.” Her hands sweep down her body to draw attention to those tempting love handles I want to squeeze.
“Thank fuck,” I mumble, practically drooling over her curvy body. Shelby blushes at my heated perusal, and I quickly try to recover. “I mean who doesn’t love a good cookie or pastry? In fact, you need to try my snickerdoodle.”
“Your what?”
I didn’t realize how perverted that sounded until her shocked reaction registers. Grinning, I gently tap her nose. “Get your mind out of the gutter. You’re supposed to be an innocent rom-com heroine. My mom taught me how to bake, and it’s kind of our thing together. I make a terrific snickerdoodle cookie.”
“Oh… well, that’s nice… and surprising,” she stammers, blushing at the dirty way she’d interpreted my statement. “I wouldn’t have pegged you for the domestic type.”
“Hey, Cooper, who's your friend?” Patrick appears at my side, and I grit my teeth, annoyed by the interruption. “You were the one who did the ornament contest today, right?”
“Guilty,” she says, nodding. “I’m Shelby.”
“That was pretty fun, although this guy sucked.”
“Yeah, seems all those holiday movies didn't really help, did they?” Shelby directs the question toward me, and I bask in the warmth of her attention. I never want to lose it, but Patrick’s presence is distracting.
“What'd I tell you?” Ignoring Patrick, I step closer to Shelby. “That's because they're all fake.”