Page 10 of Rise of the King
Chapter Four
Instead of making small talk with my new guardians, I gave up and just went to my bedroom. I was still tired, even after my nap. I figured extra sleep wasn’t going to kill me.
I checked my phone. Three messages from Max, asking where I was, then giving me shit for not coming to work, and then genuinely asking if I was okay. I thought of Max like an older brother. He always gave me a hard time, but he also always made sure I was okay.
I’m fine, Maximus. My throat is still really sore, so the thought of having to speak all night long was too much for me.
Pics or it didn’t happen, gingersnap.
I snapped a quick selfie of my now very colorful neck and sent it to him.
Holy shit, Sephie. That looks amazing in the most painful way. I’m glad you decided to stay home. Nobody wants to look at that hot mess. You would’ve scared the customers away. I mean, more than you normally do.
Ass. Your concern for both my well-being and more so your source of income is touching.
Lol. You know I’m just giving you shit. Seriously, that looks bad. Do you need anything? Want me to bring you some food when I get done tonight?
Nah, I think I’m just going to go to bed. Sleep cures everything, right?
All right. If you change your mind, let me know. I’ll be your delivery boy any time.
Thanks, Max. I’ll be fine though. Try to not have too much fun without me tonight!
Yeah, you know it’s not going to be fun—Kim came in to cover your shift.
Oh shit. I’m sorry, man. I didn’t know they were going to call her in. She usually only works days.
You’re going to owe me for this one.
I locked my phone and put it on the charger. I went to the bathroom to wash my face. My neck really did look horrible. My bruise was a nice shade of purple and was so deep you could see the outline of his fingers.
Ugh. How am I going to cover this up tomorrow at work? I’m going to have to wear a turtleneck. Long-sleeved turtleneck too.
I lifted the sleeves of my shirt and looked at my arms, that were also a very nice shade of purple. The contrast of the color of the bruises to my porcelain white skin was striking, which just served to make the bruises that much more obvious.
I decided not to stress about it too much. With the extensive tip that Adrik gave me, I could afford to miss a couple of shifts and still be able to pay my bills.
I heard my phone chime again and went to check it, thinking it was Max again.
How are you feeling, solnishko? —Adrik
Wait, he has my phone number? When did that happen? Well, he knew where my apartment was, so I guess also having my phone number isn’t completely out of the realm of possibility. Who am I kidding, he probably has my bank account and entire record at this point. There is really no limit to the power these people possess.
I’m fine, Adrik. Thank you for asking. Tired, but fine.
Good. You should get rest. Put arnica on your bruises—it will help them heal faster. I’m sure by now they’re quite dark.
You ain’t joking. My entire neck is purple. I’ll have to go to the store for arnica. I don’t have any.
I’ll have some sent over. You rest. It will be there when you wake. Good night, Persephone.
Thanks. Good night.
I locked my phone again and put it on my bedside table. I sat on my bed, lost in thought. Why did I suddenly have that warm feeling in my stomach again? Why was the top guy in the mafia checking on me? Why did he send his personal bodyguards to keep an eye on me? What was really going on? What happened in that meeting while I was out of the room?