Page 178 of Rise of the King
I chuckled, causing her to look at me. “You read my mind again, solnishko. I don’t know why it surprises me at this point, but it still occasionally does.”
Misha and Ivan walked into the room, followed by Viktor, Andrei, and Stephen. Misha immediately looked to me. “Viktor told me. Leaving Andy with Sal is a very bad idea. We have to get him out. It won’t end well for him if we don’t.”
I nodded, not surprised in the least at that conclusion. I looked at Viktor, “Where is Andy now?”
“He’s laying low, but he’s still in the city. He said Sal is having him watched right now, so he has to be careful,” Viktor said.
I looked between Viktor and Ivan. “How many of you will it take to get him out safely?”
Ivan spoke up. “There’s no way to know without knowing how many guys Sal has on him. It’s completely dependent on that.”
“I made a call already to have someone try to find out how many guys are on Andy,” Viktor said.
“How far is he from the penthouse? Can he get himself there?” Sephie asked.
Viktor shook his head. “I’m not sure. I’m also not sure I want whoever is following him to know he’s going straight to Boss’s building. That’s going to bring extra attention there.”
She smiled sweetly at Viktor. “This is why you’re the Russian security master.” He gave her a half-smile and winked at her.
Misha looked at me, “I think it’s better that Andy isn’t obviously linked to us right now. I have a bad feeling about anyone knowing it’s us that gets him out.”
“How do you guys get him out without anyone knowing it’s you then? It’s not like you giants blend into a crowd,” Sephie said. She then added, “And don’t tell me you’re going to ask nicely.”
We all laughed. Ivan said, “We have our ways, princess,” giving her a wink and a coy smile.
We were quiet for a few moments, all contemplating the best course of action. I finally said, “We’ll go back. If he can tell us exactly what Sal is planning, maybe we can stop it before it happens. Viktor, can the pilot be ready to leave this afternoon?”
He pulled his phone from his pocket, stepping out of the room to find that answer. I looked to Trino and Martin. “While I hate to cut this short, it appears we are needed elsewhere.”
They both nodded in understanding. Trino said, “I can keep Anthony and Lorenzo busy as long as possible, but from what my people are saying, those two are starting to get restless. Dario and Massimo haven’t caught on to the game yet. And with everything that Sephie told me, I’m going to enjoy meeting with those two now.”
Viktor walked back into the room. “We’ll be ready to leave at 4:00 p.m., Boss.”
Trino and Martin came with us to the plane. Trino assured me he would keep me informed of Anthony and Lorenzo’s whereabouts, as well as the outcome of the Dario and Massimo situation.
“Jefe, you and Sephie must come to Colombia soon,” Trino said, offering me his hand. I shook it, nodding. He opened his arms to Sephie. She hugged him as he said, “Miha, I am forever in your debt. I cannot thank you enough.” He kissed both of her cheeks.
She smiled sweetly at him. “Be careful with Massimo. He’s an evil man.” She tucked herself back into my side, where she fit perfectly. I pulled her close, kissing her temple.
Trino looked at us thoughtfully. “I may have to take you up on your girlfriend vetting services. If you can find me a woman that’s as perfect for me as you are for Jefe …” He didn’t finish his sentence, once again lost in thought.
I chuckled. “It’s 100 percent worth it, my friend.” Sephie’s wide smile stretched across her face as she looked up at me, causing my heart to skip a beat once again.
Giana was nervously talking on the flight back, just like she was on the flight down. I wasn’t sure if it was because she was nervous to fly or if she was nervous about being around all the guys. I eventually got my answer when I overheard her asking Sephie about her relationship with each of the guys.
“Were you intimidated by them when you first met them? You seem so comfortable with them now and they all call you different nicknames, but you weren’t like intimidated by them when you first met them?” she asked, quietly, but still loud enough that we all heard her question.
Ivan caught my eye, grinning. He said, “Sephie might not know what that word means.” Sephie grinned at him. She couldn’t help but laugh when Giana looked frightened that he had answered her question. Ivan continued, “Sephie put me in my place in her kitchen after knowing me for what, like, twelve hours?” He looked at everyone for confirmation.
“If that,” Andrei said.
Giana, her curiosity overtaking her fear, asked, “What happened? How did she put you in your place?”
Ivan laughed. “She was trying to help me and I gave her shit for it. She gave me more shit in return and helped me anyway.” He looked at Sephie, a broad smile across his face. I had heard the story of how he tried to intimidate her before she stitched him up and how she didn’t back down. It was the first real glimpse we had of how truly amazing she is. Basically, everyone is scared shitless of Ivan when they meet him and he uses that to his advantage.
“That’s not completely accurate, though. I did think you wanted to murder me in my sleep for a few days there,” she said, laughing.
“And yet, you still gave us the emotional support sloth,” Misha said, laughing. We all laughed, remembering her antics. Sephie’s cheeks flushed slightly as Giana looked to her for an explanation. She just shrugged her shoulders.