Page 28 of Rise of the King
His blue eyes looked at me intensely, “Tell me what happened. How do you know this? I just found this out a few hours ago.”
“He was in my dream. I was in my uncle’s house. He was yelling at me again like he did the night…but then I wasn’t in my uncle’s house and it was Anthony instead.” I sucked in a breath, trying to not sob as I relived my nightmare. “I asked him what he wanted with me. He said he noticed how angry you got when he smacked my ass at the restaurant. He said he wants to kill you, but he can’t get to you, so he’ll use me to hurt you instead.”
Adrik swore under his breath in Russian so that I couldn’t understand. “Sephie, did he say anything else? Can you remember anything else about your dream?”
“I was in a room that I’ve never seen before, tied to a chair. He punched me and then threatened to stab me in the heart. When he said he was going to kill you, that’s when I screamed and woke up.”
As if on cue, my body started shaking uncontrollably. Sometimes it was just my legs, but this time it was my entire body.
“What’s happening? Do you need a doctor? Are you having a seizure? What do you need?”
I grabbed onto his arms to try and steady myself. “I…I’m okay…This…happens…trauma…”
In one quick motion, he stood up and picked me up. He carried me to the bathroom and stepped into the shower. He turned the water on overhead, making the temperature hot enough that steam quickly began filling the bathroom. He sat on the floor, with me in his lap, holding me while I shook uncontrollably. He gently rocked me back and forth as I tried to gain control of my body again.
Slowly, the shaking stopped. Adrik’s arms around me helped to calm me down. I looked up at him, asking, “What did you mean you only just found out about Anthony’s plan a few hours ago? How did you know about my dream?”
He smiled, wiping my wet hair from my forehead. “I didn’t know about your dream, solnishko. It seems your dream knew about Anthony’s plans.”
I scrunched my face. “I don’t understand.”
He sighed, pulling me against him again. “We managed to capture one of Anthony’s closest associates. He slipped up and my men caught him. When pressed for information, he finally gave up Anthony’s plan, although he was unsure of the specific details. It was just as you said in your dream. He wants to use you to hurt me.”
“Oh,” I said, folding my arms to my chest and curling up more in between his legs on the shower floor.
“I won’t let that happen. He can make as many plans as he wishes, but he won’t get to you. I promise you.” I just nodded my head against his chest, suddenly very tired again and not wanting to think about any of this. I sighed.
He grabbed my shoulders to sit me up slightly and moved so that he was sitting more in front of me. I felt his fingers under my chin, lifting my head so that I would look at him. “He will never lay another finger on you,” he said with such intensity in his eyes that I couldn’t help but believe him.
I raised my fist between us, with only my pinky outstretched. “Pinky swear?”
“What is this?” he asked, cocking his head to the side.
My mouth fell open. “You don’t know what a pinky swear is?” He shook his head no. I scoffed at him. “You’ve been missing out. A pinky swear is the holiest of swears there is. Like more sacred than swearing on a bible or your mother’s grave, God rest her soul. Or not. I have no idea if your mother is alive or not, now that I say that out loud.”
He just stared at me, the intensity in his eyes replaced by amusement. I grinned at him smiling at me, “What?”
“How do you do that?”
“How do I do what? Pinky swear?”
“Net. Well, yes, that too, but how do you bring joy to a truly fucked-up situation? I’m the one that’s supposed to be making you feel better and now you’re making me laugh and teaching me new holiest of swears. You are unique, solnishko.”
“Oh. That. It’s a gift,” I said, shrugging my shoulders.
He chuckled, shaking his head. “That it is,” he said as he kissed my cheek. “Now, tell me of this holiest of swears of the pinky.”
I giggled at his description. I put my fist up again, with just my pinky out. “Okay, put your pinky up.” He did as I asked and I hooked my pinky with his and said, “This is a pinky swear. You pinky swear that Anthony will never lay another finger on me.”
His eyes lit up with amusement as he repeated, “I pinky swear that Anthony will never lay another finger on you.”
“Good.” I grinned at him, happy that he looked so happy. My eyes drifted down to his shirtless torso and his sculpted six pack. His pajama pants were completely soaked, as was my shirt. I wasn’t sure how I was getting out of the shower without giving him a show. I reached for his chest, running my hand over his tattoos. His breath caught slightly.
He wiped my hair back from my face again. “No more shaking?”
“No more shaking.”
“Wait here, I’ll get towels,” he said, standing and walking out of the shower. His soaked pajama pants left nothing to the imagination. When he turned to step out of the shower, I took in his broad shoulders and back that tapered down to his fine ass. He walked over to the cabinet to grab a few towels, then walked back to the shower and stepped back inside, giving me a full view of his half-naked body. He had tattoos across one half of his chest, going down to a half-sleeve on his right arm. He gave new meaning to washboard abs and had that sexy as hell V that disappeared in his pajama pants that were barely staying up on his hips.