Page 28 of Bought By the Biker
Leave me alone with him.
Naked and exposed.
Time running out.
Kazi unbuckles and unzips, fists his club of a cock, jerking back and forth, tongue snaking out over his lips as he prowls towards me, those bearlike eyes fixed on my honeypot.
I back away instinctively, but my tights are down around my knees and I can’t move fast, can barely move at all, am seconds away from being penetrated by his python, claimed by his club, taken by his thickness, stained by his seed.
Then from outside the door come two gunshots.
And my heart jumps as I pray my knight fired first.
The first thing I see is Yolanda’s naked ass, round and perfect, shining golden in the hot lights of the auction-hall where our story began.
She’s facing Kazi, and my mind shatters to deranged pieces of pure jealous rage when I see his gaze locked on what’s mine, what’s always been mine, what will always be mine no matter who I have to kill to keep it, no matter what I have to do to protect it.
“Mine,” comes the growl from somewhere in my throat as I raise my weapon and aim. “Mine.”
But the auction-hall is vast, and Yolanda is in the way of my shot anyway. So I start running towards them as Kazi advances on her, jerking his cock back and forth, his gaze still riveted on that sacred space between her legs.
In his manic need to take what’s mine, Kazi hasn’t seen me yet, doesn’t seem to have heard the shots or maybe is too drunk and far gone to care. I don’t know if Yolanda heard, but she’s still got her back to me and I don’t want to shout and break Kazi out of his trance before I get there.
Now I sense Yolanda stiffen, and I realize she knows I’m here, knows I’m coming, is doing what she can to hold Kazi in place. Her hips sway like the cobra’s seductive dance, her pussy hypnotizing his eyes, setting him up for the kill.
And now the kill comes as I get there just as Kazi reaches out with one hand for Yolanda’s precious pussy, his fingertips grazing the delicate hairs guarding her sweet entrance. His other hand is furiously fisting his caveman’s club of a cock, eyes completely enraptured by my princess’s spellbinding slit.
My gun spits fire at his head now, the bullets making two clean holes in his forehead, then blowing out the back of his skull just as Kazi’s cock blows its load like a cannon discharging in battle.
“No!” I roar like a madman as Kazi’s filthy semen flies across space in slow motion, like even in the throes of death his seed yearns to go where his cock will never go. “Never!”
Yolanda whips her body towards me in shock, not sure what’s happening because Kazi’s head has already exploded, his shattered skull spilling blood and brain all over the black granite tiles. Her eyes go wide when I tackle her like a deranged linebacker trying to stop his opponent from crossing the goal-line, turning my body so Kazi’s flying semen spatters over my leather jacket.
We fall together onto a heavy table, the same table where I made her mine, fucked her for my life and hers.
“Mine!” I roar now, completely possessed by the jealous rage of seeing Yolanda naked from behind, Kazi’s eyes feasting on what’s mine, mine, fucking mine!
And now I’m inside her even though I don’t remember taking off my jeans, not sure if my cock tore through the denim like a heat-seeking missile, a programmed torpedo, an unstoppable surge of pure dick-power, the violent urge to empty my balls in that pussy immediately just in case one of Kazi’s swimmers made it through and needs to be drowned out by my flood.
“Oh, fuck, Brock!” Yolanda screams as my hips pump furiously into her until I’m rutting her against the tabletop like a rabid dog, snarling and spitting, biting her neck and slapping her boobs, pulling her hair and pounding her ass into the table, growling words of possession, ownership, mine, mine, mine. “Oh. Brock, I’m yours, baby, I’m . . . I’m yours!”
“Mine,” I declare in sudden triumph as my balls tighten and my dick flexes and I erupt in my baby’s warm pussy, flooding her with wave after wave of possessive seed, sending my soldiers rushing down her valley to plant my flag, stake my territory, claim what’s mine in the only way that matters, the only way that’s real, the only way that feels like this.
Feels like always.
Feels like forever.
Feels like love.