Page 21 of Alpha Bond
“For fuck’s sake.” Jagger looks around at me, pausing mid-stride. “Did you take your meds this morning?”
“I…uh…” Now I feel sheepish. “I didn’t get a chance?” The words are tentative.
“What the hell?” He waves a hand in the air. “You said you could handle that, dammit!”
“I’m really sorry.” I feel like a chastised child. “I’ve never had to take medicine before. I’ve always just healed. But this…” I trail off when I realize I’m about to tell him that I’ve never had an injury like this.
“But what?” He’s waiting for me to go on.
“I’m not myself,” I mumble.
He eyes me for a moment, then huffs out a breath. “Damned woman.” He changes direction, still walking briskly. Some of our surroundings start to look familiar.
“Are we going back to the healer?” I don’t want to do that. She probed too much.
“Seems the smart thing to do.” His voice is dry. “Sincesomebodycan’t be responsible about their own health.”
Annoyance starts to brew, though it’s hard to put on an angry front when I’m scampering after him barefoot, wrapped in his oversized clothes. “Look, I’m sorry, okay? You’re the one who told me to come to this place with you. I could have still been back there taking care of myself if it wasn’t for you!”
“Taking care of yourself?” He scoffs. “You can’t even do that here! You’d have starved to death if I hadn’t dragged your sorry ass out of that shithole. But if I’d known I’d have been lumped with you, I would have left—”
“Jagger!” The voice from the figure striding toward us stops us both in our tracks. “Titer’s looking for you.” Casey Stone narrows her eyes on me, and yet again, I find myself hovering behind Jagger’s wide bulk at the sight of her. I don’t know why she’s taken an instant dislike to me, but it makes me feel threatened. And right now, I’m in no shape to fight back.
“What does he want?” Jagger doesn’t bother with a greeting.
“No idea.” The she-wolf tosses her head, and her ponytail swings past her shoulder. She’s beautiful in a brutal way.
Maybe she has a claim over him?
But then why would their alpha say he’s celibate?
I don’t dwell on these questions. I don’t get time. We’re off once more as Jagger changes direction yet again.
Why the hell does he have to move so damn fast all the time?
“If it’s about that thing with Heller…” Jagger curses. “Fuck it! It’s bad enough I’m playing nursemaid, but now Titer has me hopping to attention on a whim.”
Casey keeps up with him easily, but I have to jog this time, which doesn’t help my shaking legs or my throbbing head. I feel hot and cold at the same time. I don’t want to admit that he was right, but I should have taken the drugs. Still, there’s no need for him to be so damned rude. I’m starting to feel pissy. I didn’t ask to be here. By the time he shoves open the door to Greyson Titer’s offices, I’m fuming.
“You wanted me, sir?” Jagger stands stiffly in front of the older male, who rises from his desk.
Greyson walks around it, gives me a nod of acknowledgment, then turns his attention back to my reluctant guardian. “We need to make an announcement to the village about her right now.”
“What? Why?” Jagger scowls.
“Because I’ve been getting questions already. Did you take her down to the canteen this morning?”
“Sure I did.”
“Bad fucking idea.” Casey rolls her eyes.
“Why the hell did you do that?” Greyson folds his arms across his chest and leans back against his desk.
I look from one to the other as they discuss me as if I’m not even around.
“What did you expect me to do? She needed to eat.”
“So you couldn’t just feed her in your quarters?” It’s Casey again. Jagger doesn’t respond to her. He’s glaring at the alpha.