Page 31 of Alpha Bond
“I know that. Just saying.” I turn my attention back to my notes. And I don’t know what I dislike more: the constant intrusions or the fact that if she decides to stay here, it’s going to be because she’s picked someone else as a mate.
Chapter 13
Two hours and several more interruptions later, I push my notebook away. I’ve jotted down a string of suggestions to offer to Titer – all of which he’ll no doubt reject. Maps, projections, my expectations of what we might encounter. Frustration fills me.
You need to get in the field.
I’ve never taken this much time away from my duties before.
You have different duties now.
I steal a glance at the woman who’s now dozing on my bed again. She fell asleep over an hour ago. She does that a lot. Sleeping fitfully, muttering unintelligible words. The thought of her having to fend for herself doesn’t sit well with me.
But then again, fending for ourselves is what we wolves do. At least I always have.
But does it really have to be that way?
I turn in my seat, my brows knitting as I look at her. She’s peaceful now, but that won’t last long. Her dreams seem filled with horrors she doesn’t speak of when she wakes.
If she leaves, she’ll be alone. Who knows what might be lying in wait for her out there. And she’s not getting stronger, even though she should be. By now, she should have fought off this strange infection she’s been fighting.
She’s not safe on her own. She needs someone to take care of her.
My head is swirling with wayward thoughts. But some of them are making sense.
She has no mate.
Neither do I.
For fuck’s sake, Law. Stop this shit!
Without a mate, I’ll never get a chance to rise to a position where I could make a difference in this place. I take another look at her. An idea is beginning to form.
It’s a bad fucking idea!
Still, I can’t seem to fight it. Sierra is a vision of grace and determination despite what she’s been through. I can tell she has fire in her soul, the kind that could help me steer this pack in a better direction. But am I ready for that?
No! You absolutely are not!
“Jagger?” Sierra’s eyes have fluttered open, and she’s looking at me blearily. “Is something wrong?” I realize I must have made a sound to wake her.
“All good,” I grunt, trying to shove down the emotions swirling within me and focus on my paperwork again. But the questions keep coming back, looping through my mind on an endless cycle.
If I were to announce that Sierra and I are mates, it would change everything. It could be the push I need to finally make a difference in this pack. But would it be fair to her? Would it be fair to myself?
No. It would not.
I glance up at Sierra once more. She’s risen from the bed and has moved to the sparse bookshelf where I keep my small collection of books. I watch as she thumbs through a well-worn copy of “The Art of War,” her graceful frame a stark contrast to the rough surroundings of my quarters. I can only imagine what she survived…starving, desperate…and yet here she stands, still resilient.
I scrub a hand over my face.
“You’re looking at me strangely.” She’s stopped going through the bookshelf and is frowning at me.
I inhale slowly.
This is a bad idea…