Page 41 of Alpha Bond
“Well,” Callum begins, “this is all very unexpected.”
“Unexpected?” Casey chokes out. “It’s fucking unbelievable!” She jabs a finger in the direction of where Sierra and I are standing. “This is bullshit, Jagger, and you know it! What the fuck are you playing at?”
I don’t get a chance to respond because Sierra steps forward. “We’re not playing at anything, Casey,” she snaps. “We have a bond. And don’t you dare speak to my mate like that! Now back off, or this will turn ugly.”
Casey snaps her mouth shut. Meanwhile, I’m left confounded. And curiously turned on as the two women glare at each other.
Suddenly, inexplicably, Casey backs down. She glances at me. “You’re making a mistake,” she mutters before stalking out of the room.
“Okay. I guess we know where she stands,” says Callum. Sierra gives a small grunt. I fight back a grin. “I guess I’ll offer my congratulations to balance things out.” He grins at me, and I finally allow myself to feel relief. “Let’s sort out your new digs, yeah?”
Sierra and I exchange glances, and then I dip my head. “Sounds good,” I say. But deep down, I don’t know if this has all been too easy or if things are about to get much, much harder.
Chapter 17
I can’t deny it. Our new accommodation is a lot more comfortable than the old one. Industrial, like the rest of the place, it looks like it may have once been a storeroom that’s been converted into a one-bedroom apartment. Rough brick walls and steel girders are accompanied by raw concrete floors in a way that has a charm of its own, even though it’s unlike anything I’ve ever lived in before.
It’s been a whirlwind of activity since we approached Jagger’s alpha with our news yesterday afternoon. A family unit hadn’t been available yet, so we’ve been moved here for the time being. I don’t mind at all; it’s so much bigger than the last place, and I don’t feel like I’m under Jagger’s feet all the time. It was partially furnished, and Jagger spent the evening moving his belongings over, yet the meager collection still looks sparse in the new place.
I could make it so much nicer with a few touches: curtains, some more furniture—
And just where the hell did that thought come from?
I’m not staying.
“Sleep well?” Jagger asks, standing in the doorway of the bedroom as I push myself up and rest against the headboard of the double bed I’m in. He’s fresh out of the shower with just a white towel wrapped around his lean hips. Water droplets trickle down his chest, clinging to the light dusting of dark hair there. A filigree of ink forms intricate patterns over his torso and weaves a path down to the V that disappears beneath the towel. And that’s where my eyes stop.
Holy shit, he’s gorgeous.
Whatever I might feel about my circumstances, seeing him like this in the mornings is something I can’t help but appreciate. I love the thought of him in the shower. Maybe it’s because I’m certain I heard him moan in there a day ago. And maybe it’s because part of me wonders if he was thinking of me while he touched himself. I can’t deny that I hope he was.
“Yes. Very well. You?” I say quickly when I realize I haven’t answered him yet.
“The sofa is a crap-ton better than the floor,” he answers, making me wonder how he managed to fold all those muscles onto the two-seater in the living room. If he notices me staring, he doesn’t say anything, though I’m pretty certain that there’s a tiny twitch at the corner of his mouth. His beautiful mouth…that I was kissing just a day ago.
Fuck! Stop, Sierra!
I pull the covers up to my chest. The sensations this man stirs in me remind me too much of what happened when Rack was around me. An irresistible pull that tingles on my skin and aches between my thighs. I hate that I’ve had so little control over my own body since my world turned upside down.
“You okay?” He’s frowning.
“Mm-hmm.” I nod quickly. “Just…getting used to things here.”
“You’re not regretting it, are you?” He tilts his head, leaning against the doorjamb, his broad shape filling the entire space.
“No,” I reply, though I’m not so certain of that now. My feelings for this man are getting too confusing. “I’m just not sure what to expect next.”
“We’ll need to present ourselves to the pack as mates.” He straightens. “Titer will probably call another gathering today so that we can make it official.”
“So soon?” My eyes widen.
Jagger shrugs, and I try not to stare as the muscles of his shoulders bunch and ripple. “No sense in waiting.”
“Guess not.”
“Besides, once we’ve finalized things, we can breathe a little easier. Unless someone has a justifiable objection during the ceremony, we’ll be accepted as mates.”