Page 51 of Alpha Bond
I know there’s activity outside, but I try to ignore it. They’d banged on the door earlier, but I didn’t want to open it. Not unless it was him. And it wasn’t him. The fear of being alone again has become all-consuming. But it can only be him. The others make me edgy. I know I wasn’t like this before. I remember a time when I could spend hours alone with just the sun on my face for company. That was before. When my wolf was always close, and the world felt warm and golden. Now, everything scares me.
A metallic click has me spinning around, and my breath catches as I see the doorknob turn. I backpedal so rapidly that I’m almost winded when I hit the back wall.
“No! Go away!”
“Oh, thank God!” Relief hits me in such a rush that I’m giddy with it. Jagger is framed in the doorway, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything more wonderful. Without thinking, I rush across the room and fling myself at him. I crash into him with such force that he takes a step back to steady himself.
“Whoa!” he exhales, but I’m not listening. My arms are around his neck, and my face is pressed against him.
“Where were you? You said you’d be back soon!” My voice is muffled, but it still holds a note of accusation. I don’t know if I’m angry or grateful, but he smells so fucking good. I don’t realize that I’m crying until he peels me away from his chest and cups my face with his hands. His thumbs brush away tears that are streaking my cheeks.
“Easy, beautiful,” he murmurs. I gaze up into his face and try to stop the sobs that keep bubbling up my throat. The unexpected endearment warms me, though.
Pull it together, Sierra!
I’m not like this. I’m not this pathetic, sobbing girl. But it felt like I was waiting forever with a thousand terrors tearing at me.
“I thought…I thought you weren’t coming back,” I choke out.
“I’ll always come back, Sierra.” His thumbs are still stroking my skin.
“But you were gone! And they didn’t know where you were. And…and…and,” I suck in a shuddering breath, “what would I do if you weren’t here?”
“That’s something you don’t have to worry about because I’m not going anywhere.” He pulls me against him, his palm molding to the back of my head as he draws my face into the curve of his shoulder. Yes, he definitely smells good. I give a little moan that’s part misery and part bliss. “I’m right here.” The words rumble from his chest and into my cheek.
“Mmm…” I sigh. His arms fold around me, and the world starts to feel a little safer again.
“They said you were in trouble,” he murmurs against the top of my head. “Did you shift to your wolf? Titer said you were whining.”
Shame fills me. I can’t set her free. The closest she’s been were those pitiful sounds she made when we thought we were lost here. “I was scared,” I say instead of answering his question. “I don’t want to go back out there where he is.” Fear surges again.
“Not gonna happen, beautiful.” His lips move over my hair, and it just feels so right that I don’t question it. “You belong here now. Even without me, you’ll always have a place at Steel Lakes.”
“But I don’t want a place without you in it.” The words surprise me as I say them. I think they surprise him, too, because he says nothing for a while. “How- How will I find my way home without your help?” I add.
“Don’t worry about that now. I’m here, and you’re fine.” He steps back and looks down into my face. “I’ll always take care of you.” I stare up at him. My eyes rove over his face and down to his throat. And then I stop.
“Where are your clothes?” My palms are flat against his bare chest, his skin like warm silk against my fingertips.
Holy shit!
“I came straight here. Didn’t stop to dress after I shifted.” His lip twitches, and he starts to pull away. “I’ll go get something on.”
“No!” I cling to him. “Stay here.”
“Sierra, I’ll be in the other room. Won’t take me a minute.”
I shake my head vigorously, not prepared to let him go just yet. At any other time, I would have been mortified, but right now, I don’t care. The simple joy at the sight of him is like nothing I’ve ever felt before. Probably because I was so terrified of being out there facing Rack again.
Trauma. That’s what it is. Maybe I’m dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder. Whatever it is, it has my arms twining around his neck again. He doesn’t stop me. Doesn’t seem to mind at all. When I tip my head back and stare at his mouth, he doesn’t seem to mind that either. Or when I lift up onto my tiptoes and graze my lips against his. If anything, his grip tightens, and his arms cinch around me.
I hear a low growl rumbling in his chest before he claims my lips with his own. The kiss is hard and demanding, a sense of urgency building between us. We’re both breathless as we explore each other’s mouths. But if I’m honest with myself, I’ve been breathless all day. Now I’m lightheaded, and I don’t know if it’s from breathing too hard or the way his mouth is plundering mine.
His hands leave my face and start to roam over my body, leaving trails of heat behind wherever they touch. My fingers move up to stroke over his hair. I love the feeling of it, the short strands bristling against my palms. The sensation makes my thighs clench.
I let out a low moan as his lips release mine, and he starts to kiss along my jawline. Goosebumps form on my skin as he nips at the sensitive skin behind my earlobe.