Page 79 of Alpha Bond
My chest almost bursts with pride as I stand beneath the platform, watching my mate. It feels like a lifetime ago that I stood there, too, being presented to the pack. Things are different now. This time, it’s Jagger’s turn to face the crowd. And I’ve never seen anything more magnificent.
Truth be told, I may be biased, but I don’t think many would argue with me. Towering over us, he’s dressed in black. A snug T-shirt tucked into fitted cargo pants that are tucked into heavy combat boots. It’s not much different from his regular clothing, but then again, Jagger isn’t one for putting on airs.
Freshly shaven, his dark hair gleaming beneath the bright lights, he looks good enough to eat. And I’ve happily done just that; his cock was halfway down my throat barely an hour before we got here. ‘To take the edge off,’I told him.
Not that he needed it. We haven’t gotten out of bed since he pulled me into it last night. I lick my lips at the thought of it. And at the thought of how I love the feeling of his hair prickling softly against my palms when I run my hands over it. And the scent of him. His firm flesh beneath my fingertips. How he feels inside me. I’m so engrossed in the fantasy that I don’t hear the words of the formal ceremony inducting Jagger as the pack alpha. Nor do I hear my name being called until Doctor Bea clears her throat beside me.
“They want you up there, honey.” She gives me a little nudge between my shoulder blades.
I look around in confusion. “They do?”
“It’s how we do it. The alpha mate takes her place at the side of her male.”
Holy shit.
“I didn’t expect this.”
“You’ll do fine. Now get on up.” She nudges me again, and I stumble forward, then regain my composure and straighten my shoulders. I raise my chin and look up into the eyes of the man my world revolves around now. There’s so much love in them that the others around me fade away. I’m drawn to him like a moth, barely aware of making my way up to the top of the platform.
He takes both my hands in his and faces me, then brushes his lips over mine. A hush falls over the crowd.
“I love you,” he murmurs before turning to face them. I face them, too, blinking against the blinding lights as I cling to him. I don’t resist when he raises our interlinked hands into the air in a gesture that feels like one of victory. “My mate Sierra Law!” he calls out, and the throng cheers. My cheeks burn beneath the attention, but I can’t shake the sense of pride that still fills my chest.
Callum is nearby, along with a group of shifters I don’t really recognize. Steel Lakes’ committee. Tall, short, grizzled, sleek, they represent all ages and genders, but all share one thing: they’re looking at my mate with admiration. It warms me till I’m certain that I’m glowing.
“Jagger Law,” Callum steps forward and fixes Jagger with a hard stare. “We gift you with the leadership of our pack. We gift you with the responsibility of our safety. We gift you with the honor of taking care of our future. Do you accept these gifts?”
Jagger dips his head. “I do.” His voice is clear and confident, a deep rumble that curls my toes when he’s touching me, but now it fills me with awe.
Callum gives a nod, then turns to face the audience. “I give you your new alpha…Jagger Law!” There’s a roar that brings tears to my eyes. When I turn to look at Jagger, his eyes are glittering too. It’s overwhelming. Not as good as when we sealed our bond, but pretty damn close. Silently, I promise myself that I’ll give my all to these people. Just as I would do for my family back home.
Except my home is here now. I’ll go back to find the others, and Jagger will help me, but I belong in Steel Lakes.
I sigh with happiness as the happy cheers begin to die down.
And then it happens.
“Jagger! Jagger Law!”
My mate stiffens as a shout rings out. I freeze, my blood turning to ice.
Please! Not again!
A rumble of growls and snarls builds among the other shifters as everyone goes on high alert. But this time, it’s not a pack of marauding wolves that we’re facing. This time, it’s only one man.
Bloodied, battered, naked, Gage Heller staggers in, pushes his way through the crowd, and stops at the base of the platform. He stares up at Jagger, his face smeared with dirt. His chest heaves as he fights for breath.
“Jagger! You have to come. They…they have her!”
My mate stiffens as he stares at him. “What are you talking about? They have who?”
“Your mate! They have…have…” Gage locks eyes on me. “You’re here,” he says. “But I saw you there.” And then he stops talking.
And my whole glittering world shatters around me as realization strikes.
Chapter 32