Page 24 of Damien
I try to take a different approach and mumble, “Just turn around and go home. We can try to talk to him tomorrow.”
Regardless of how many times I tell myself to turn around and head back to the suite, I push open the door and walk inside the dark room.
Why wouldn’t there be emergency lights on in here?
I can’t even see two feet in front of my body, and yet, my feet propel me deeper into the room.
Standing in the same spot as I was this morning, I sigh and stretch my arms above my head.
Slowly, I bend forward and stretch my back and am rewarded with a loud pop.
My phone rings and I know it is Mara letting me know it is time for me to come home and get ready for the party.
I answer her call so she doesn’t call me a hundred more times. “Hey, I’m on my way back now. I’ll be there in a few minutes and then I’ll change, and we can head to the party.”
After disconnecting the call, I slip my phone back into my pocket and turn towards the classroom door.
I slam into a hard body before falling to the ground.
“Ow! Shit! What the fuck?”
Why wouldn’t someone let me know they were standing behind me?
Are they trying to scare the hell out of me?
Or were they in here practicing yoga?
Why would someone be hanging out here in the dark?
Chapter Six
“Shae?” His deep voice sends shivers down my spine.
Damien is here.
Why is he here in his darkened classroom?
What happened to his meeting at the cafe?
His tone is harsh. “What are you doing here?”
“What am I doing here?” I repeat it, but this time for myself. “What am I doing here?”
“Are you okay?” Concern is laced in his question.
How does he expect me to answer that question?
“What are you doing here?” I spin his question around on him.
“I needed to clear my mind, so I was going to meditate and do my daily yoga.” He clears his throat. “So, I’m going to ask you again, what are you doing here?”
I look at him, really look at him now that my eyes have adjusted to the dark.
His beard is a little shorter than it was on spring break, but his eyes aren’t as focused.