Page 30 of Damien
“What?” She looks around the kitchen for something that could cause me to say that.
“You’re already falling for him, aren’t you?”
“You know damn well who I’m talking about, but I’ll give you a clue- it’s not the guy you are meeting here.”
She takes a large gulp of her beer. “I don’t know who or what you’re talking about.”
I laugh as she walks away and heads towards the back of the house where the music is coming from.
There is a huge dance floor set up in one of the side rooms.
I lean to the side and yell to Mara, “There has to be almost fifty people in that room.”
“There’s about to be fifty-two people in there. Let’s go look for my date.”
She pulls me inside and we make our way towards the corner of the room. It feels like it’s twenty degrees warmer in the room than it was in the hallway.
We scan the room, but don’t see her date.
She stops to speak to someone, so I head back out to the hallway.
I breathe in the much cooler air. The scent of smoke drifts over to me from the open back door.
Several students sneak into the backyard to smoke, while others gather around the kegs that are set up in front of the large party speakers.
I glance at Mara and see that she is still deep in conversation with a short red-haired woman.
I’ve never seen the other woman before, but Mara is a member of several clubs here and I’m not.
Deciding to leave her be, I wander around the house until I find a small library.
This room screams elegance with its mahogany wood desk and old leather-bound books.
I could see this room being the Dean’s office or even a wealthy businessman’s, but here, at a fraternity house, it seems so out of place.
I sit down on the small leather couch and finish my beer.
It’s quieter here, but the vibration from the music still drifts through the house.
I flip through the magazines that are spread out on the glass end table. Most of them are about sports or cars.
Leaving the quiet comfort of the library, I continue wandering around the house. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Mara climbing the stairs.
Before I can say anything to her, she lets out a loud laugh and hugs the guy we were looking for.
They hang out in the loft with the driver who stopped to help us earlier as well as a couple other people.
I head to the kitchen to grab another beer before making my way to the fraternity’s living room and sitting down on one couch.
I feel awkward being here, but I will not leave Mara here so I can head back home.
Although, popping a bag of popcorn and watching a movie sounds great right about now.
While I am lost in my thoughts of escaping this party and heading back home to get a snack, a guy sits down on the couch next to me.
“Are you here alone?”