Page 41 of Damien
No sooner than the front door closes, I hear a throat clearing from the corner of the building.
It should scare me that someone is lingering in the shadows, but I know whose throat clearing that is.
Instead of being scared, I’m turned on.
Chapter Ten
Before I can stand up and go investigate, Damien comes into the light and steps up onto the porch.
Irritation and confusion etches their way onto my face.
Why is he here?
Why hasn’t he called or messaged?
How much of the conversation with Mara did he hear?
The irritation that I’m feeling makes its way into my tone. “What are you doing here?”
“I needed to see you and your text seemed urgent.” He looks embarrassed. A look that I have never seen on his face. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to eavesdrop on your conversation with Mara.”
Well, that confirms my thoughts that he heard us talking, but what exactly did he hear?
“How long have you been standing on the side of the house in the shadows?”
That will help me determine what all he might have heard.
He shifts his gaze to the sidewalk. “Long enough to hear the entire conversation, including the fight with your roommate, Jake.”
That’s just fucking great.
And not what I needed. He didn’t need to hear such personal conversations, especially since he hasn’t been interested in my life since coming back from spring break.
Despite my feelings, I let my gaze wander over his tight jeans and fitted shirt. He looks good. He always does, and that’s just one of my problems.
I let my hormones get the best of me and push my feelings to the side.
His gaze meets mine before his mouth blurts out, “What’s D-T-R?”
“Huh?” I ask in a lust filled haze.
My body aches for him to press against me despite my mind screaming that it’s a bad idea.
My lips tingle with the anticipation of his tongue thrusting into my mouth. My pussy throbs in need of being caressed and loved.
His voice brings me back to reality. “You said it to Mara when you were discussing my lack of answering your calls and texts.”
I need to be more careful of what I say when Mara and I are not in our rooms or in her car.
However, that statement was the icy bucket of water spilling over my head. It was the cure of my lust fueled wants.
It gives me the opening I need to have a real conversation with him.
“Define the relationship.” I mumble, not wanting to have this conversation right now. Not after everything that has happened tonight.