Page 5 of Damien
Damien glances from my phone to me.
“I’ll call her back on my way home.”
I grab my suitcase, phone, and keys and head out the front door while Damien makes sure the rental is locked up tight and secure.
Prolonging the goodbye, I take my time loading my things into my car.
Damien’s arms wrap around my waist from behind.
“Are you planning on leaving and not giving me a proper goodbye?”
I melt into his chest as a big ball of emotion gets stuck in my throat. “No, I was trying to put off saying goodbye.”
He spins me around and presses his lips to mine.
This kiss feels different.
Not as hopeful and not as passionate as the ones we shared earlier today.
Like a dying love.
I back away slowly, get into my car, and drive away from the man I love.
When I am a few miles away, I call my roommate and best friend and allow my tears to flow.
Chapter Two
“You whore!” The all too familiar female voice echoes off the classroom’s walls as I walk through the door, causing other students to turn to look in my direction.
I roll my eyes so hard I can almost see the back of my eye socket as I slide into the only available seat in the back of the classroom and drop my bag on the floor beside me.
“I slept with one man the entire spring break. I hardly think that makes me a whore.”
My roommate and best friend, Mara, shrugs her shoulders. Her shoulder-length brownish-red hair bounces back into place. “That’s one more than me. But I’m just being a jealous bitch.”
“Thanks for saving a seat for me back here. There’s no way I want to be stuck up front. I’m so over school.”
I know I sound whiny, but to be honest, I am only tired of the early mornings. I wish I could stay in college for a few more years since I still don’t know what I want to do after I graduate.
“Of course, girl. We only have a few months left together before we get real jobs and move away. Well, I’m staying here and living at home to save money, but since you have your new mystery hunk, you will probably move away to be closer to him.”
Mara looks at me with a hint of sadness in her eyes. I’ve never really seen her look at me this way.
“I’m ready to move on to the next chapter of my life, but not ready to move in with some guy, even if we did have a fantastically romantic, sex-filled spring break on the Cape.”
She stares at me with a raised eyebrow. “I thought the two of you said you loved one another. Am I missing something?”
“We did say we love each other, and I know deep in my heart that we meant it, but I need more time to see if I can have a future with him. There’s so much that we shared, but simple things like where we live when not on vacation never came up.”
Or our ages, my mind reminds me. I can tell he is a little older, and even though that’s not a problem for me, he doesn’t know that I am twenty-two and a senior in college.
I may be too young for him.
“Sounds more like a lust-filled vacation than the dreamy love scene you have imagined in your head.”
She looks at me intently, waiting to see how I react.
“Damien said he will wait for me and that we will meet back up in the summer. If we both stay single during the next few months, then it will prove that we are meant to be together.”