Page 62 of Damien
These pictures show everything.
Our kisses, our fucking, and our passion. If it was any other circumstance, I might love these pictures because you can really see the love between Damien and me.
“Before you think about ripping them up to destroy evidence, don’t bother. I have other copies, and they are saved in several places, including the cloud.”
Of course he did.
“Revenge porn is illegal.” I count.
He shrugs. “Sure, it might be illegal, but by then, there won’t be any proof it was me who took the photos. The dean will know about your relationship and your lover will have already been fired.”
His smirk returns to his face. “There goes his tenure and retirement plans. Is that what you want to happen to him? How do you think he will feel when he is fired all thanks to you?”
My heart shatters at the thought of giving him up, especially after things were finally starting to look up.
Tears fall from my eyes as I realize there really is no way out of this. I’m going to have to choose.
“I’m glad you are starting to see things my way, but I will give you a little while to think about your answer.”
He brushes past me and heads towards the kitchen. “Oh, and needless to say, this stays between the two of us. Don’t even think about telling Mara, or I will let the Dean know, and then this will end badly for him.”
Chapter Fifteen
I need the yoga class to graduate.
But I also need Damien in my life.
Time stands still as both thoughts run on repeat in my mind. Over and over again, I keep repeating these lines to myself.
How am I going to decide? Damien won’t ever forgive me if I cost him his job and his plans to retire early so he can spend the rest of his life on the Cape.
Both of these options suck.
Do I follow my heart and stay with Damien, or break Damien’s and my heart until after graduation?
Would he forgive me?
Would he want to resume things once I am no longer tied to the university?
I could always drop out of his class and then retake it this summer. Of course, that would prolong my graduation, but at least Jake will be gone and no longer ruling over this decision.
Would Damien understand my reasoning?
Would Mara?
What about my parents?
How would I ever explain this situation to them?
Mom and Dad have both admitted to doing stupid things in the name of love, but would they support this?
What would they do in this situation? Would they walk away or fight for love?
Will they even like Damien? What will they think when they find out he was my professor?
Banging in the kitchen brings me back to reality. I have to make a decision soon, but who am I going to hurt?
There seems to only be one viable option, and as hard as it is, as much as my heart is breaking right now, I have to say it.