Page 7 of Damien
“Jaaaaaaake!” Mara sings.
I grimace as his door flies open and bounces off the wall. If he puts a hole in the drywall, he’s going to be the one to spackle it- not me.
“What?” He grumbles, not enjoying being woken up in the morning.
My voice is calm and friendly. “Our class was essentially canceled, so we came back for food. Mara is eating cereal, and I thought about making a cheesy egg sandwich. Are you interested?”
His expression changes and a smile grows on his face. “Uh, sure.”
I get the eggs and shredded cheese out of the refrigerator as he grabs the frying pan and loaf of bread.
“I’ll cook this time since you usually always cook.” He grabs the eggs, cracks them, and dumps them into the pan.
Mara rolls her eyes behind his back.
The two of them have never gotten along. She is the outgoing, popular chick, and he is the quiet nerd. They go together like oil and a flame.
Grabbing two plates and placing bread on each one, I thank him before asking, “Do you want your bread toasted?”
He grabs a giant handful of cheese and dumps it onto the cooking eggs, scrambling them together. “I think I will just take it plain this time.”
I watch him for a moment, taking in his tall, lanky body. He has always been sweet to me, but then again, I try to keep the peace between him and Mara.
He skillfully plates the eggs while turning off the burner before placing the warm pan and spatula in the sink. “Thanks for helping, Shae.”
Why is he thanking me? I’m not the one who cooked. “Thank you for cooking.”
My reply is genuine, despite Mara mocking us from the table.
I take a bite of my sandwich as I sit down next to Mara. Jake takes the seat next to me at the end of the six-person table.
Unable to stand the awkward silence any longer, I blurt out, “I always wondered why they have such a large table here. At most, this suite can house four students, so why have a six-person table?”
My question goes unanswered as the three of us continue to eat in awkward silence.
Jake scarfs his food down and loads the dishwasher before retreating into his darkened room.
I let out a long sigh. “Well, that was uncomfortable.”
Mara holds her hands up in surrender. “Hey, don’t look at me. You are the one that invited him to eat with us.”
“I was trying to smooth over what would have been an inevitable argument between you two. You know he hates being woken up.” I stop before it sounds like I am scolding her.
“Change of subject?” She asks, and I nod my head. “Have you heard from your new beau today?”
Shaking my head, I say, “I just saw him last night, and we said goodbye. I don’t expect to hear from him for a few days at the least, maybe even a couple of weeks.”
We are both back to our chaotic real lives. We aren’t on vacation anymore.
There’s deadlines and projects that have strict timelines. Not to mention whatever his job entails.
“That is such bullshit, and you know it. Anyone can take a few moments out of their extremely busy lives to respond to a text message. Why don’t you text him and see what he is up to?”
This is just one reason why I love Mara. She is very blunt and honest; she’s the best friend a girl can have.
Grabbing my phone, I type up a quick message to Damien and hit send.
My heart races as I wait and hope for his reply.