Page 75 of Damien
“What?” Damien’s voice is high pitched and full of disbelief.
I let out a soft groan. Why did I let Mara drag me here so early?
No student ever gets to class early, only nerds, and even they aren’t here yet.
Chancing a look towards Damien, I see that he looks furious. I’d even wager to say he is pissed beyond what he's ever been.
His eyes narrow as his fists tighten. “Is this how you twisted things to make me look like the bad guy?”
Mara immediately jumps in to come to my defense.
“So, you’re saying that this isn’t the case? That you didn’t ignore her for weeks while she tried to call and message you? You’re saying that you didn’t kiss her multiple times just to turn your back on what she hoped would be her future with you?”
Damien ignores Mara’s questions and accusations and turns to face me. “Did you lie to everyone? Do you even know what the truth is anymore?”
That one hurts.
A lone tear falls down my cheek.
I never wanted things to be like this. I never wanted to hurt the two people that matter the most to me.
Mara waves her arm towards me to keep me from speaking. “Answer the question, Damien. Are you innocent in all of this? Have you been seeing Miss Blonde from next door?”
Damien ignores her questions once again.
His voice turns soft and caring. “Shae, what’s going on?”
It reminds me of the nights we spent together, laying on the cool sand as we watched the stars come out at night.
His voice was the same, soft and caring, as we talked about where we wanted to vacation together, the things we wanted to do and see as we spent our days loving one another.
Mara interrupts my trip down memory lane. “Shea, please tell us what is going on. You can trust the two of us.”
My heart constricts with pain. I want them to know everything that happened. I want this nightmare to be over, but my fear is holding me back.
“I know I can trust both of you, but this is bigger than just me. I-I can’t talk about it.” I start stuttering when emotion wells up in my throat.
“Can’t or won’t?” Mara demands loudly.
“I can’t say anything or else Damien’s job is gone and so are his plans to retire and move to the Cape.” I wince as I realize I let part of Jake’s blackmail slip.
Damien’s gaze locks on mine as anger fills his eyes. “Who is doing this to you? Who is making you stay silent?”
I shake my head from side to side, shaking the tears from the corner of my eyes. “Please stop asking. I already said too much.”
I wish I could take it back and keep my big mouth shut. While at the same time, I wish I could make things better.
Neither one of them speaks. They wait for me to finally tell them the truth.
Being double teamed by them with their glares focused solely on me has my defenses wavering and eventually crumbling to bits and pieces.
Giving in, I let out a long sigh and say, “Fine, I’ll tell you everything, but can we wait until class is over? I don’t want to give the other students a chance to overhear anything we say.”
Mara and Damien exchange a quick glance, like they are having a short mental conversation, before turning their attention back to me.
Damien speaks first. “The students can get started on their own. They don’t need me to get started. The three of us can talk in the office.”