Page 89 of Damien
I gather them up and hand them to her. She looks unsure, as if she’s debating whether to look at them or not.
“Will Damien care?” Her voice is quiet as she looks down at the first photograph of Damien and me standing near his car.
The first couple are innocent looking, but I know they get pretty risqué.
“I don’t think so. I mean, there isn’t a picture that shows his dick or anything.”
She chuckles before looking at the next one. As she flips through the pictures, her eyes widen.
She lets out a shocked gasp as she gets back to the first one. “I can’t believe him. How dare he?”
Her hand balls up into a tight fist as she places the photographs on the bed next to her. Her breathing is sharper as her breaths come in short bursts.
Of course, my anger is still here, burning slow and dull inside of me, but I’m slowly getting over the shock of it. At least Damien and I worked things out.
I slip on my jean shorts, pull up the zipper, and button them before slipping on my shirt.
“Oh, before I forget, Damien wants to have a meeting to discuss our plan of action.”
“Okay, just let me know when and where. My schedule is pretty open.”
I line my eyes with eyeliner and grab the tube of mascara. “You mean your schedule is open when you aren’t with Seth.”
“Even when I’m with Seth, I am always available to you, especially when it comes to this situation.”
“I know that, but I’m not going to pull you away from your very new relationship.”
Mara levels her gaze at me. “Either you let me be a part of this, or I will go off on my own and deal with it right now.”
That’s the last thing I want.
“Fine. I’ll let you know when is best for him.”
She leans back on my pillow. “Thank you. Now tell me more about car sex.”
Chapter Twenty Two
I’m not a prude, not by a long shot, but Mara is the more adventurous one of the two of us when it comes to sex.
At least she was before spring break. Before I met Damien and he turned my life upside down.
Where do I start?
Car sex is like any other sex, but more thrilling. The chance of being caught adds excitement. It’s exhilarating and only heightens the pleasure.
Sure, it’s scary the first couple of times, but after that, it’s nothing but pure ecstasy.
“The back of his car folds down into a bed. It’s pretty crazy, but we had plenty of room.”
Mara cocks an eyebrow. “That’s pretty interesting. I have to know what kind it is. Maybe I’ll trade mine in.”
“You would really trade in your brand new convertible?”
Her face crinkles as she lets out a loud laugh. “Probably not. I love my car, but I’d consider it if Seth and I could make use of it.”
“Are you going to stay local?”
“Yeah, I think so. I’ve even considered applying for a job here while continuing my education, but I don’t know what I really want to do.”