Page 9 of Damien
We follow a few other students into Gymnasium C.
“I guess I will just have to find someone on my own.” She teases.
I give her more unknown details from my week with Damien. “Wait until I tell you about all the things he introduced to me. That man rocked my world. Easily the best I’ve ever had.”
Her reaction doesn’t disappoint. She grabs my arm, pulling me to the side of the large open room. “Girl, now I definitely need to find someone like him.”
I lean closer to her so no one can hear our conversation.
I whisper, “We never discussed our ages, but I could tell he is a few years older than me, maybe even closer to five or ten years' difference. Of course, it never bothered me, but I’m not sure if it bothered him and that is why he never brought it up.”
Mara whispers back. “Maybe he knew the two of you were consenting adults and age isn’t a big deal to him.”
“Maybe, but if I could give any advice to you, it would be to get yourself an older, more experienced man. Even if it is just for one night. He could teach you a thing or two and then you can teach another man what you truly like.”
Damien for sure pushed my boundaries, but he never crossed them until I gave him consent to do so.
He let me guide each new experience and explore things at my own pace. I was eager to experience new things and I think a lot of it stems from how caring and gentle he was with me.
Well, the spanking and biting weren’t gentle, but he knew what I needed even before I knew what I desired.
“Earth to Shaela. What’s going on in your head?”
I hesitate. “Oh, nothing.”
I try to lie, but she can see right through me.
“Oh my God, you were remembering something good. Tell me, tell me, tell me.”
She bounces like a toddler, and I have to pull on her arm to get her to stop before she draws attention to us.
“Okay. Fine.” I finally relent. “But if I tell you, you can’t look at me differently. Promise?”
“Of course, I promise. You could tell me you were taken by five guys at once and I wouldn’t look at you differently. If anything, I’d be even more jealous than I already am.”
I can see that she actually means it, but holy hell, there’s no way I would ever consider that scenario. I would be too embarrassed to ever entertain that.
“Well,” I begin, but the rest of the story gets stuck in my throat.
“What is it?” Mara asks, confused.
My gaze locks onto the professor.
Tall, tan, exotic, and sexy as sin.
“It’s him. It’s Damien.”
Chapter Three
“Damien?” Mara asks louder than I’d prefer.
“Shh!” I pull on her arm and drag her further away from him and the other students.
“That’s Damien? The Damien?” She whispers excitedly.
My gaze wanders over to him.
He is still staring at me with widened eyes. I guess he isn’t the only one shocked to see that we are both here in the same place at the same time.