Page 93 of Damien
The second one gasps. “No way! Who?”
Who are they talking about?
Is it common for professors to date their students? I thought it was bad that I was dating Damien and Mara was dating Seth. Now there’s a third?
Or are they referring to one of us?
The first one said she almost signed up for his semester again, so it can’t be Seth.
Are they talking about Damien?
How would they have found out about our relationship?
I shake those questions out of my mind and grab my phone. I send Mara a quick text letting her know I’m in the classroom and fill her in on the conversation I just overheard.
Graduation is practically here, so it shouldn’t matter who we are dating, but on the off chance that it does matter, Mara and I should be careful about flaunting it around campus.
She responds with a thumbs up before walking into the classroom.
Her gaze moves from me to the other two girls, who are still gossiping about whatever student is dating a professor.
Mara sits in her seat and leans closer to me. “Do you think Jake is spreading it around campus?”
I shrug. Honestly, I don’t have a clue. It wouldn’t surprise me if he did just to get back at me from our conversation this morning.
When I don’t reply, she whispers, “What happened this morning after I left?”
I take a deep breath and tell her everything. I tell her about him barging into my room, the extra copy of photographs that I left on the counter, the threats to tell the dean, and the threat to send my parents a copy of the pictures.
Of course, she’s pissed, rightfully so, but I shake my head to keep her from getting up and giving him a piece of her mind.
“He knows he lost. There’s nothing he can do without having to deal with consequences on his own.”
Seth walks into the classroom and doesn’t look at us. I wonder if Mara warned him about my text before she left him.
He sets his briefcase on his desk before sitting in his seat and glancing around the classroom.
Mara whispers, “We can continue talking about this after class.”
I nod to let her know I heard her.
She grabs her phone and types a quick message. A few seconds later, my phone buzzes.
Her message is short: Meet with Damien after class.
I nod and type up a message to Damien, letting him know Mara wants our meeting to happen right after class.
I stare at the screen, waiting for his reply, but it never comes.
Seth clears his throat as students file in through the door.
I slip my phone back into my bag and open my textbook to today’s lesson.
Hopefully Damien is ready because based on the look attached to Mara’s face, she wants justice and she wants it now.
Chapter Twenty Three
Today is the day I have been waiting weeks for.