Page 11 of Mountain Man's Bride
“Please help her,” I begged, fear clouding my thoughts. I couldn’t lose her. My hands were beginning to tremble. My world felt like it was falling apart.
“We’ll do everything we can for her,” one of the paramedics assured me as he rushed up the porch and into the house.
My phone blared out from beside me with Nash’s name on the screen. Ever had finally been admitted into a regular room, and the doctor was optimistic she would be okay. Her sugars had dropped way too low, which was worrisome, but I’d gotten to her in time.
What the doctor hadn’t said but was definitely implied was that it was a miracle.
“Hey,” I rasped when I pulled the phone to my ear.
“Bro, where in the hell are you?” Nash demanded.
I swallowed past the lump in my throat and scrubbed a hand down my face. I’d been so caught up in this mess with Ever, so terrified that she wouldn’t be okay, that calling Nash or one of my other brothers hadn’t even crossed my mind.
“Ever is in the hospital,” I told him. He stayed quiet, obviously a little shocked at the news. “She called me for help. She was seizing when I got in the house.” I swallowed past the lump in my throat. “Her sugars were way too low.”
“She needs a watch team,” Nash growled, surprising me with the worry behind his words. “I’ve never seen an adult so forgetful. Eating is a normal, bodily function. Why is it so hard for her to remember to do something that’s part of our everyday lives?”
I sighed. “She’ll be getting one,” I assured him. Because honestly, I didn’t know what was so hard about remembering to eat either. It wasn’t like I didn’t have food in the house. She had everything she needed. “When she’s awake and I don’t feel like I’m clinging to the edge of a cliff, I’ll get with you guys and work out a schedule.”
Nash grunted. “Sounds good, brother. You need one of us to come up here?”
I shook my head, though he couldn’t see me. My eyes landed back on Ever. She was still too pale for my comfort, but color was slowly returning to her cheeks. “Nah. I’ll call one of you when she’s getting discharged to come pick us up.”
“Call if you need us before then,” he told me.
“Will do,” I promised.
I ended the call and set my phone on my lap, staring at my pale wife.
Things are about to drastically change for you, Ever, I promised. Because I couldn’t go through this again.
Everlee groaned and slowly opened her eyes, blinking up at the ceiling. I had the lights on dim in case she woke up, not wanting her to hurt her eyes. She still squinted, but I knew it wasn’t as badly as if she’d woken up to a bright light.
She frowned and then slowly turned her head, jerking in surprise when she saw me.
“Tripp?” she rasped.
“Hey,” I greeted, standing up from the chair I’d been sitting in for the past few hours. I placed my palms flat on the mattress beside her hips and leaned over her, arching a brow. “How awake are you?”
“Enough,” she cautiously answered, eyeing me warily.
“Good,” I growled. “You know how you got in the fucking hospital? You forgot to eat fucking lunch. Nash checked the fridge; the lunch I made for you is still sitting there untouched.” She swallowed thickly, nervousness entering her pretty eyes. “You were seizing when I got in the house, Ever. Seizing.” She paled a little. “You almost died. It scared the hell out of me.” Tears brimmed her eyes. “I never want to go through what I went through today again, you hear me? Things are going to change, and I do not care how you feel about it. We’re doing this my way now since you can’t seem to remember to take care of yourself.”
Her lips trembled, and a tear slid down her cheek. Reaching forward, I wiped it away. My heart shattered. I didn’t want to upset her, but something had to give. I couldn’t go through this again. If she hadn’t called me, she could’ve died.
Losing her would’ve wrecked me.
“I’m sorry,” she choked out.
I slid onto the hospital bed with her and wrapped her up in my arms, holding her tightly. She burrowed her face against my chest, muffling her sob. “Don’t worry about being sorry, sweetheart. Just promise me this won’t happen again,” I pleaded as I ran my fingers through her hair.
She sniffled. “It won’t.”
I rested my chin on the top of her head, continuing to hold her. Neither of us said anything else, but we didn’t really need to. My fear of losing her was evident in my words.