Page 10 of Scribe
She was using her whiny voice.
Grumbling, I mentally cursed. “Fine. I will find a way to make it work, but you fucking owe me big time, Devlyn. I mean big. HUGE!”
“Got it. Ordering you a new pair of Louis Vuitton’s right now.”
“Two pairs of them!” I shouted before hanging up.
God help me. The next eleven days were going to be horrible.
I just knew it.
I was still muttering to myself as I pulled into my drive a half hour later. When I shut off my car engine, it sputtered something awful before it backfired, sending black smoke into the air. Sighing, I hung my head. Great. One more thing for me to worry about.
Slamming the door to my shit Prius, I stormed into my little cabin, leaning against the front door.
“Apollo, you would not believe the shit day I had,” I muttered, looking at my pet rat, who never raised his head to acknowledge me.
Kicking off my shoes, I headed for the kitchen. Opening the fridge, I grabbed the white wine I got at the local grocery store, unscrewed the cap and drank straight from the bottle.
Fuck a glass.
Tonight, I planned on drinking my weight in wine, while I soaked in my hot tub. Stripping, I headed straight for the back deck. With no one around for miles, I could walk naked for days without a care in the world.
One of the perks of living alone on top of a mountain.
Climbing into the hot bubbling water, I leaned back and sighed as I took another drink from my bottle. I so needed this after the day I had. What I didn’t tell my sister was the mayor made a pass at me.
Shocked the hell out of me too.
No one ever showed any kind of interest where I was concerned, but when the bastard’s hands started rubbing my backside, even I knew what he was doing. After the ickiness wore off, I quickly extricated myself and left. It was close to quitting time, so I got the hell out of dodge fast.
I shivered.
Fucking bastard gave me the creeps.
Something about the slimy man didn’t sit well with me.
Nor his hateful wife.
Now she was a piece of work. Bitch thought her shit didn’t stink. Woman had more plastic on her than fucking Rubbermaid! Her latest trip to the plastic surgeon had her face so tight, the Google satellite wouldn’t be able to recognize her.
Leaning back, enjoying the hot bubbling water, I removed my glasses, placing them on the small table I had beside my hot tub as I tried to calm my nerves. How my sister did that damn job day in day out was beyond me.
There was no fucking way I could do it.
The mayor alone was a damn good reason to walk away. The man was a leach. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but something about him just rubbed me the wrong way.
A rustling sound had me opening my eyes as I reached for my binoculars, which I kept on the small table next to me. Sitting up straighter, I scanned my surroundings. With everything blurry, I moaned, reaching for my glasses, quickly putting them back on, just as the hottest fucking man alive walked out of the tree line, heading straight for my hot spring near the back of my property.
The hot spring wasn’t technically mine, but I claimed it, and possession was nine-tenths of the law. As far as I knew, I was the only one around this area. I knew there was a cabin close to mine, but last I heard, it was empty. No one lived in it.
Was this smoking hot man the new owner?
God, I hoped so.
Sitting up, I moved to the edge of the hot tub and rested my arms on the rim as I watched the gorgeous man remove his clothes. The man was a finely sculpted piece of man flesh, that was for sure. His dirty blond locks were long, resting on his shoulder.