Page 100 of Scribe
“Do you have any blankets in here?”
“No.” He sighed.
“So, what are we going to do then?”
“You are going to stay here while I go get help.”
“Scribe, no,” I gasped, reaching for his hand. “You just said it’s dangerous.”
“And I’m the only one certified in cold weather rescue. Look, baby, I know you don’t like the idea of staying here, but you can’t see right now. You’d only slow me down. Pyro’s cabin is less than a mile from here. I’ll head for his place, then come back and get you.”
“If it’s that close, I can go with you. Please don’t make me stay here.”
“It’s safer, baby. I can come back with cold weather gear and a snowmobile. You’ll be perfectly safe, as long as you stay in the truck. Okay?” He didn’t give me a chance to reply before he kissed me on the lips and headed out into the blizzard.
“Hot chocolate. Roaring fire. Fuzzy slippers. Hot tomato soup with grilled cheese. Warm sunny beaches.”
I’d been muttering to myself for what felt like hours about anything warm and cozy as I slowly got colder and colder.
I was shivering as the temperature in the truck’s cab plummeted rapidly. I didn’t need to see to know the storm was picking up. It sounded horrible outside, like something out of a scary movie, as the wind howled violently, and I heard branches snapping from the weight of the snow.
Hugging my coat tighter around me, I tried to calm my anxiety that quickly overtook me the second after Scribe left. I wanted so much to go with him, but he was right.
I was safer here.
Only, at the moment, I didn’t feel too safe.
All I felt was the bitter cold, as it seeped deep into my bones.
My poor feet felt like icicles, and I was pretty damn sure my ass had frozen to the seat. All because I just had to get that damn surgery.
If I had the use of my eyes, I could have gone with Scribe and I’d probably be warming myself by a fire right about now, but was I?
Hell no.
I was blind as a bat, stuck in a broken truck in the middle of a major snowstorm. All because I didn’t want to be afraid anymore. What the hell was wrong with living my solitude life?
Not a damn thing!
I was perfectly content. Happy even. So, what if my only friend was my sister and I planned on dying a virgin?
Nothing wrong with that.
Old cat ladies did it all the time.
Sighing, I laid my head back on the headrest and moaned. “Because, you idiot, you’d never have met Scribe or his family.”
And they were wonderful.
Every single one of them.
Even Cameron with his dirty mouth, Bailey with her snarky attitude and Scribe’s sisters interfering ways. They were all wonderful and I loved them all dearly. They quickly became the family I didn’t know I needed. Welcoming me with open arms. They made me feel wanted and appreciated, as if I belonged to them.
That I was one of them.
Part of something bigger.
Rubbing my hands together, blowing on them, I yelped as the door was flung open. Sighing, I muttered, “Oh, thank God you’re back. I was beginning to worry.”