Page 103 of Scribe
Turning, I shouted into the woods, “Henley!”
“She couldn’t have gotten far. Span out!” Priest ordered loudly.
Looking around the truck, I tried to find her trail, but the snow was coming down too damn fast. It covered her tracks.
I had no idea which direction she took.
“HENLEY!” I heard my brother’s shout into the wind, as a fear unlike anything I ever felt hit me deep to the bone.
“This way!” Priest yelled. “I found something!”
Rushing over to my brother, he turned to me, handing me a scarf. “Is this Henley’s?”
Nodding, I took it from him as I looked at it, remembering wrapping it around her before we left Bailey’s apartment, when the realization of where she was heading hit me like a wrecking ball.
“Oh shit,” I cursed. “She’s headed towards the Lake!”
Dropping her scarf, I started running after her when I heard Pyro shout, “The snowmobile is faster!”
Shit. He was right.
Racing for mine, I hopped on and sped off.
It was impossible to see anything in this mess, but I didn’t give a shit. Henley was there, somewhere, freezing to death, and while I was worried about her, I was angry too. Why the fuck didn’t she just stay in the truck? She was safe there. Now, she was wandering in a fucking blizzard, blind as a bat with no direction in which to go.
“Fuck!” Priest shouted. “Hold up. I can’t hear King.”
I knew Priest would contact King the second we planned to head back out into the storm. It was a safety thing. With no backup, heading out into a blizzard was suicide without someone knowing our general location. Shit could go wrong fast.
Stopping, I watched frustratedly as Priest turned his back from the prevailing winds to hear whatever King was trying to relay when all I wanted to do was press on. The longer Henley was out in this mess, the worse she would get.
“Come on, Priest! Hurry the fuck up!” I urged when something caught my eye. Getting off my snowmobile, I walked over to what looked like a fallen tree branch when I saw what caught my attention. Bending down, I picked up the bright yellow winter coat with purple flowers on it as my hands shook.
It was Henley’s.
The breath left my body as I stared in confusion at why she wasn’t wearing it.
“Scribe.” I barely heard Pyro say over the howling wind as he walked over to me. “What is it?”
“It’s Henley’s coat,” I muttered, handing it to him.
Taking the coat from me, Pyro looked around the area. “She’s leaving a trail.”
“Because she’s being hunted,” Priest growled, marching over to us. “That was King. Sypher found the fucker who threatened Henley and posted the online sex video. It’s Zach Zimmerman.”
“Cameron’s teacher?” Pyro asked.
“Yeah. And it gets worse. When Mike learned the truth, he went to arrest Zach at his house, but the bastard wasn’t there, and his gun was missing. King is rounding up the rest of the brothers. He wants us to wait here until they arrive.”
“I’m not waiting. She’s out there with some fucking lunatic after her.”
“We don’t know that, Scribe. She could have just gotten spooked by the storm and tried following you, only to get turned around. You said it yourself, she can’t see because of the surgery.”
I shook my head.
I knew I was right.