Page 106 of Scribe
Chapter Thirty-Four
Not thinking, I dove into the frigid water right after her.
Scanning the frozen, murky lake, I searched relentlessly, ignoring my tensing muscles when I spotted her hand in front of me.
Clasping on tight, I swam for the opening.
Coming up for air, I pulled her close to me as hands reached for her.
“Grab him, Priest!” Pyro yelled frantically. “We have to get them warm.”
“You stupid motherfucker. When you are on your feet again, I’m going to kick your ass,” Priest admonished, dragging my limp body from the icy lake. Shivering, I tried to conserve what energy I had while Pyro picked Henley up, carrying her over to the rescue basket attached to his snowmobile.
Hauling me next to him, Priest didn’t stop cursing as he forcefully placed me in the basket behind his snowmobile. “Do you know how fucking stupid that was?”
“Ha-d-d t-t-t-o.”
“Oh, shut up,” he said, shoving my head down as he placed thermal blankets all around me. “I hope your balls fall off. That was the stupidest thing you’ve ever fucking done.”
“We need to go,” Pyro shouted. “Henley’s heart rate is dropping fast.”
“Shit, she won’t make it back to the cabin. Help me attach numbnuts to your rig. I’ll lie next to Henley. Direct body heat is best.”
Priest smirked. “Guess you should have listened to me then, asshole. Now shut up while Pyro and I try to save both your asses.”
Laying there helplessly, I watched as my brothers worked fast to attach my basket to Henley’s before Priest took off his cold weather gear and climbed in next to Henley.
“Fuck me,” he growled. “Poor girl is an ice cube.”
Pyro quickly covered them both up before jumping on his snowmobile, racing off back to his cabin.
It felt like hours had passed when the snowmobile stopped.
Opening my eyes, I saw several of my brothers rushing out of Pyro’s cabin.
“Get the heating blankets! Hurry!” King ordered as he ran over to me.
“What the fuck happened to you?”
“Numbnuts thought it was okay to go for a swim in a blizzard,” I heard Priest say loudly.
“Shit,” King growled. “Let’s get them inside.”
Once in the cabin, the heat pricked my skin like thousands of needles.
I knew what was coming and I wasn’t looking forward to it.
Shivering uncontrollably, Enigma and Gunner worked fast to remove my clothes before laying me in a bed and covering me with blankets. Turning my head, Pyro carried Henley over to the other side as he, Skylar and King worked to remove her clothes. While I wasn’t happy my brothers were seeing my woman naked, I gave them a pass, considering she resembled a blue Popsicle.
Laying her head carefully on a pillow, Skylar hurriedly covered her up, winking at me.
Thankful, I rolled closer to her, needing to touch her.
“Frank, go get more blankets. Enigma, help him and bring the heating pads and frostbite kit,” King ordered, walking over to the fireplace in the bedroom, quickly and efficiently starting a fire.