Page 19 of Scribe
Fuck me, she was beautiful.
Like holy shit, drop dead, fan-fucking-tabulous, beautiful. The woman was smoking hot. She had me questioning my looks, and I was fucking gorgeous.
Long glistening blonde locks, high cheekbones, full luscious lips, a cute, pert nose, and eyes so fucking green they sparkled like the emerald isle. With a body that could grace any magazine, the stunning woman had curves for days, with full breasts, a tiny waist, and legs that I would give anything to have wrapped around me.
“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.” She smiled warmly into the camera. Wearing her signature masquerade mask, her hair coiffed artfully on top of her head. A long string of pearls hung around her neck, dipping between her ample breasts. Wearing a pretty little black lace lingerie number with traditional thigh highs attached to a garter belt, I groaned, “Fuck me, beautiful. Just looking at you makes my dick hard.”
“How is everyone tonight?”
Quickly typing, I grumbled when I saw what countryboy4u typed.
Countryboy4U: you look beautiful tonight, Myst3ry_R3ad3r!
“Asshole, you took my line,” I huffed.
L0nely4m0re: Love the outfit!
Jackhammer17: Damn woman. Way to make an entrance!
“Why thank you, everyone. You sure know how to make a woman feel good.”
Hungryman493: I’ll make you feel even better when I stick my cock in your cunt. I want a private reading tonight. Fuck everyone else. You owe me!
I saw the second she read what I did.
Her eyes widened a fraction of an inch and her body stiffened.
She did not like this guy and I had to admit I didn’t either. Hungryman493 was seriously giving off massive stalker vibes.
Quickly typing, I said, “Fuck off, asshole. You know the rules. Private readings are by appointment only and scheduled in advance. You know damn well, Myst3ry_R3ad3r doesn’t do those. If you want one, go to another group. Now shut up and let the lady start.”
“Thank you for reminding the group of the rules, 2Hot4U. And, Hungryman493, 2Hot4U is correct. I do not do private readings. Ever. Now I have picked out a new book from the Orlean Bayou collection for tonight. Are we ready to begin?”
I<3Books: you haven’t started, have you? I just got home.
Myst3ry_R3ad3r laughed. “No, I<3Books, I haven’t. People are still joining. I was going over the new book I picked out for tonight. We are sticking with author Orlean Bayou. Tonight, I’ll be reading one of her biker romance books.”
I chuckled at that.
Oh, this ought to be good.
Chapter Seven
Whistling merrily, I jumped off the last step and hummed the entire way to the kitchen.
It was going to be a beautiful day.
I could feel it in my bones.
Today, something spectacular was going to happen and I couldn’t wait to see what it was. Still humming my merry tune, I walked over to the coffeepot, reaching for a cup, before pouring myself a cup of hot java. After dumping my daily dose of sugar and cream in it, I turned to find several of my brothers, Bailey, Sarah and my sisters, all looking at me funny.
“What?” I asked and when no one responded, I looked down at my dick, thinking I forgot to zip up.
Nope. All good.
Phew, that had me worried for a second.