Page 41 of Scribe
Gulping, I slowly nodded. Where in the hell was he going with this? I got he ordered me to play nice and keep my hands off her, but he didn’t know what she looked like. And when she smiled... Oh yeah, I’d challenge any motherfucker to keep their hands to themselves.
Not happening.
“Yeah. Why?”
“Good,” he said, rubbing his hands down his face. “Mike called me this morning. It seems Devlyn was right to be worried about her sister. The mayor is embezzling money left and right. The Feds want Henley to wear a wire and to get the mayor to name names.”
“There is no way. She can’t do that.”
“She may not have a choice, Scribe. The FBI is arriving this afternoon to talk to her. Apparently, they’ve been investigating the mayor for months now. With the new land deal, they want the names of the assholes he’s working with. Devlyn can’t do it, because she’s still sick. The investors showed up in town four days ago according to the reports. Henley is their best option in identifying them.”
“No, King,” I said frantically. “You don’t understand. Henley really can’t do it. She has anxiety, bad. She’s incapable of doing it. It will send her spiraling. She will give herself away and put herself in more danger.”
“Shit,” King cursed, leaning back. “Then how the fuck is she working for that asshole?”
“Your guess is as good as mine. Maybe it’s because she cares for her sister, who knows, but she’s barely hanging on as it is. Can’t Devlyn do it? She’s worked with the mayor the longest.”
“Devlyn got sick before the investors arrived. Only Henley has seen them.”
“Bullshit. There were several people in that building who could have seen them. Get one of those fucknuts to identify these assholes.”
“Henley works for the mayor. She regulates who goes into that office and who doesn’t. Plus, she knows his current schedule.”
“The FBI is going to have to come up with another plan because I won’t allow Henley to put herself in more danger. As it is, I’m getting her the fuck out of that place today,” I stated firmly, getting to my feet.
Fuck this shit.
If she was in danger, I would take her as far away from it as possible.
No one was ever going to fucking hurt her again.
Not on my watch.
“Scribe, hold up,” King said, stopping me.
Turning back to my president, I snarled, “What?”
“Is she the one, brother?”
I said nothing as I stared at my president. The brother I fought with. The brother I stood beside and would happily die for. The one who knew me the best.
When he smiled, I took a deep breath and let it out.
“Go. I will cover for you with the brothers and women. Go get your girl, Scribe. But be careful, brother, ‘cause the second you bring her home, all hell is going to break loose.”
“Roger that, brother,” I said quickly, running from his office as I heard him shout.
“And make sure you lock her down!”
Chapter Fifteen
Four more days.
That’s all I had to do. Four more days and I could go back to my quiet, uncomplicated life. I could do it. It would be over before I knew it and then everything would go back to normal.
Sitting in my piece of shit Prius, I stared at the municipal building, trying to muster the courage to walk in there. For the last week, I’d tried to hide the rising fear bubbling inside me.