Page 72 of Scribe
I looked up at her and simply said, “My dad is Greek, Henley. He is the heir to the Malpas fortune. My dad’s a billionaire.”
“And Gavin wanted to use Hajira to extort money,” she whispered, sitting down. “Oh, wow.”
“Yeah.” I sighed.
“And this morning?”
“I love Bailey. I really do. She’s my best friend. Has been from the moment we met. We just click. Well, before I met you, Bails and I had a running feud. It was harmless, really. Just stupid pranks and shit. We did it mainly for laughs. Anyway, to get back at me for stealing her birth control pills, Bailey snuck into my room and poked holes in all my condoms. The same condoms I used last night.”
“Oh, wow. Okay,” she gasped, shocked. “Not sure how to respond to that.”
“The more I thought about it, the more it angered me. Then, when reality hit, I realized it wasn’t just you I used those condoms with. And it just brought everything rushing back. I couldn’t handle it.”
“How many women do you need to call?” she carefully asked.
“A few. I may seem like a horndog to everyone in this club, but I’m very selective of who I spend my time with. And since the birth control fiasco, I’ve only been with a few others, other than you.”
“Sugar Potter is one of them, right?”
“Yeah, how did you know?”
“She’s best friends with Devlyn. And I don’t think you need to call her. Sugar had her tubes tied after her son was born. She refused to bring another child into the world after what that jerk of an ex-husband did. Devlyn watched her boys as she recovered. I helped. As for the others, I think the sooner you call them, the better you will feel. But I’m betting they are on some kind of birth control. Especially if they are sexually active. If I am right, and I hope I am, then I’m the only one you need to be worried about.”
I smirked. “I don’t mind worrying about you, Princess.”
Henley grinned, lightly shaking her head. “You, sir, are a caution.”
“Call me that again,” I growled, moving closer to her.
Henley blushed, ducking her head, before whispering, “Sir.”
“Oh yeah, Princess, I really like that,” I said decisively before grabbing her and holding her close as I slammed my mouth over hers in a searing kiss.
“We are coming with you, so shut the hell up and get in the damn truck, Scribe,” King ordered firmly, standing his ground, before adding. “Look, brother. If you think for one second, we are leaving you to handle those Feds alone after what just happened. Think again because it isn’t happening.”
I didn’t need or want a babysitter.
I could take care of my woman by myself. It was just a fucking meeting at the sheriff’s office with Mike and some men in suits. What did they think was going to happen?
I wasn’t going to go all Ted Bundy on their asses.
I was good.
Actually, I was better than good. I felt lighter, almost freer. It was weird. All that pent up anxiety and fear I’d been holding onto because of my past faded away when I told Henley my truth.
It was liberating.
Though I still needed to sit down and talk with my bestie and explain my outburst. I cringed, thinking about what Bailey thought of me now. I never once lost my temper with her. Ever. My bestie could try the patience of a saint, but I loved her no matter what.
“Gunner texted.” I heard King say as he drove down the mountain. Sitting in the backseat of King’s truck with Henley, I paid attention as I held her hand. Since my freak-out, she’d never left my side. It felt as if she was almost centering me in some way. She really hadn’t said much since we left church. I guess learning that the man she loved was a murderer was a lot to take in. Add in the fact that I may or may not have gotten her pregnant. Well, I was betting my woman’s mind was a million miles away.
“Sarah will be ready to come home tomorrow, but Claudia wants to keep the babies a few extra days.”
“Did she say why?” Priest questioned.