Page 88 of Scribe
“Yes. Everyone was determined to keep me at the clubhouse tonight.”
When my phone stopped ringing, I sighed.
I should have known it wouldn’t last because in the next instant, not only did my phone ring again, so did Henley’s.
“What in the hell is wrong now?” I growled, reaching for my phone as Henley reached for hers. Seeing King’s name on the screen, I connected the call. “The clubhouse better be on fire, Prez, because nothing but death is making me leave.”
“You two are live on the internet!” King shouted as my body stiffened.
“What did you just say?” I asked as I watched while Henley’s face paled before she dropped her phone into the hot water, looking around the dark forest.
“Someone is filming you. It’s live on the internet. Whoever is filming the two of you is telling everyone where you two are. The fucker has even identified you both. The whole fucking internet knows Henley is Myst3ry_R3ad3r. Get her the hell out of there! NOW!”
Chapter Twenty-Eight
“She won’t leave my room!” I shouted, slamming my hands down on the table in church. “It’s been three days, King. Three! I want this motherfucker found.”
“We’re working on it, Scribe.” King nodded. “Sypher will be here within the hour. I’ve also called in Matthew Law and Harbor Security to come update the security for the club. I know this is hard, man, but you gotta give us time. We will find the bastard.”
Sitting back down, I leaned forward, holding my head in my hands. “She won’t even talk to her sister, King. She destroyed her computer and refuses to let me get her a new phone. She wants nothing to do with anything electronic. She just stays in my room and stares out the window. She won’t even read a damn book and she loves to read.”
“This fucker violated her, Scribe,” Frank said carefully. “She’s going to withdraw from everything and everyone. She is feeling embarrassed. Henley is a very shy, private woman. Of course, she’s going to refuse to see everyone. Just give her some space.”
“How are you holding up?” Priest asked.
Sighing, I leaned back in my chair. “You know me. I brush shit off, but this shit... it’s bad. I can’t even walk into a fucking store without someone whispering about me. Everyone in town saw the feed. Most of the residents don’t give a shit, but a few... they are making a big deal out of it, vocally pointing fingers and condemning me. Just this morning, I was dropping off the Christmas donation to the Rosewood Church and the Preacher wanted to pray for my soul. Yesterday, I was out on a wrecker call and the lady offered me a quickie if I would tow her car for free.”
“It’s not just him, King,” Pyro added, leaning forward, placing his elbows on the table. “Skylar was picking up Cameron from school yesterday when a teacher propositioned my wife. Wanted to know if my wife dabbled in online erotica too. Fucker said that shit right in front of Cameron.”
“I know,” King groaned. “Someone walked into Venom’s Ink and asked my wife what the going rate for an hour of her time was. Let’s just say it didn’t end well for the person. Bailey was in rare form.”
Several brothers snickered, knowing exactly what that meant.
“None of this makes sense. How does the whole town know about this shit? Even Mr. Howard over at the hardware store knows. That old man doesn’t even own a computer, but even he told me not to worry, that it would blow over,” I asked, looking around the room when the door opened as Devlyn walked in crying, sporting a bloody nose.
Jumping to my feet, I rushed over to her. “What the hell happened?”
“Can I stay here for a few days? Someone broke into my apartment.”
King rose to his feet. “Who the fuck hit you?”
Devlyn shook her head. “I don’t know, but he thought I was Henley.”
“CALLUM!” Bailey shouted as all of us did a double take.
Bailey never called King by his given name.
Ushering Devlyn out of church in front of me, we found Bailey storming towards us with tears running down her face, as Mike Brewer and Beth walked behind her with her cousin Jamison.
Rushing to his wife, King gathered her in his arms as she cried into his chest. “Cupcake?”
“Keep your women home, King,” Mike said all too seriously, which instantly got my hackles up. “Don’t let them leave your sight. Especially in town.”
Furious, I growled, “What the fuck happened?”
“While most of the residents are behind you, Scribe, a few are making a big stink. The city council is holding an emergency meeting in three days to discuss what to do next. Mainly, they are voting on what to do about the club. It doesn’t look good, brother.”