Page 27 of Fractured Royals
“I haven’t been in to see her yet, but the doctor says everything looks good.”
“Well, I’ll make this fast then so that you can get back to her. I talked to my attorney and had him look over all the paperwork, and the short of it is that with a few signatures, the house is yours,” he says.
“Wow, that easy, huh?”
“It would seem so. They’ll give you the keys the same day.”
This is great news. I can’t wait to let mom know. The possibility of moving her parents back home will definitely keep her moving in the right direction.
“If you let me know when, I can set it all up for you,” he offers.
I know it needs to be done soon, but I don’t want to leave now that I know Keaton is awake.
“Let me figure out what the next twenty-four hours are going to look like, and I’ll let you know,” I chuckle.
“Sounds good,” he laughs.
Everything feels like it’s falling back into place after days of endless chaos, and honestly, I’m kind of waiting for the other shoe to drop.
“Let me know if you need anything before then, okay?” he says.
“Actually,” I say, the thought just coming to me. “Can you look into what all needs to be done to move Nana and Pops back home?”
“Yeah, absolutely,” he says, zero hesitation.
With that, we say our goodbyes. I’m excited to start finally moving the pieces of this crazy world back into place. A place where everything makes more sense.
“Hey, Bodhi,” I turn when I hear Sander calling me from down the hall.
“She’s asking for you.”
I knock on the closed door to Keaton's hospital room. Regina greets me, smiling happily, eyes still wet with thankful tears.
"She's ready to see you, Bodhi."
She pulls the door back and allows me to step inside, exiting behind me and drawing the door shut with a quiet snick.
As I enter the room, I see Keaton lying in the hospital bed, her eyes closed. The room is quiet except for the rhythmic beeping of the heart monitor. I take a deep breath and approach her, moving to stand at the side of her bed.
“Keaton?” I whisper, much like I have the last couple of nights, hoping that somehow, she’d hear me and finally wake.
Her eyes flutter open and she looks at me, a small smile tugging at her lips. "Bodhi," she whispers, her voice weak.
“Hey, Princess,” I say past the knot forming in my throat.
I reach out, gently brushing her hair back off her face, doing my best not to touch the injuries marring her right side.
Her eyes shut at my touch, and her bottom lip curls into a trembling pout.
“Hey,” I soothe, “don’t cry, baby.”
How hypocritical of me. I don’t think I’ve stopped crying since once in the last five days. One would think I’d be out of tears at this point.
“I’m sorry,” she whispers, an errant tear rolling into her hairline.