Page 23 of Reign (Rock God)
“There, better. Hotttt.” She winks.
“Stop it,” I whisper, running my hands through the long strands.
“It’s not fair.” She pouts. “I spent hours fixing myself up, and here you are in sweats, no makeup, and he can’t keep his eyes off you.”
“What?” Adrenaline spikes through me. Jesus, I need to eat something, maybe my blood sugar is off?
“You heard me.” She smirks.
“Ms. Falcon, sorry.” One of the engineers, maybe he’s a PA, comes around the corner. “Ammo is ready for you.”
“He’s ready for you.” She waggles her eyebrows at me.
“Shut it.” I shake my head at her, then turn to the engineer who’s looking up at the ceiling, as if he’s pretending he doesn’t hear us.
“Thank you, please inform his majesty I’ll be there in a minute,” I say politely.
“He told me to wait.” He clears his throat, still looking up at the ceiling, and I can hear my heart pounding in my ears because are you kidding me?
“You see.” I point at the guy. “This. Is what I’m talking about. I mean, he wants to take a break and feed you ice cream, that’s fine, but if I want to talk to you, he sends someone to fetch me?”
“Oh, man…” The guy mumbles.
“Alright, as much as I’d love to hang and see what happens with you and Daddio, I must catch a plane. So, go make the magic happen—in all the areas of your life—and I’ll call you later.” Melanie leans over to kiss my cheek as I glare at her.
“Byeee.” She laughs at my look, then turns to the poor engineer. “Inform Mr. Adams she’s all his.” Then she catwalks toward the elevator.
“If it was anyone else but you, I’d dump them, you know that, right?” I call out to her as she laughs and holds up her fingers doing the rock and roll symbol on her way out.
“God.” I sigh, not wanting to go back in there. After what I just witnessed, I just want to go home, soak in my tub, and watch mindless TV.
“You know not to say that.” I turn on him, he grins.
“Yes, I gathered that.” He looks down at his shoes and back at me. He’s cute in a non-threatening way. Dark hair, good skin, nice smile. Probably not older than me, but I’m starting to feel ancient.
“You know what?” I cock my head at him. “I’m sorry, I don’t remember your name.”
“It’s Jimmy.”
“Jimmy, please tell Mr. Adams I’m tired and I’ll be back tomorrow morning at eight.”
“Um, oh-kay? You sure?” He looks at his watch.
“Yep.” I don’t even bother with my purse; it’ll be here tomorrow. Pulling out my phone from my sweats pocket, I shoot off a text to my to driver telling him to pick me up at the elevator exit.
“Thanks, Jimmy.” I smile at him. He looks miserable but nods. And for a second, I falter. Is this bad? Screw it, he is not my dad. And I bite my bottom lip not to laugh…Daddy, so fucking arrogant.
He deserves this. And as for Jimmy having to be the informer, I’ll buy him lunch tomorrow.
This is needed.
This is madness.
It’s time I take back my control. For my own health, I need to put some distance between myself and Ammo.
I smile as I push the elevator button, maybe he’ll be nicer now. Maybe he’ll understand that I’m not his to just push around.
Yeah, I should have walked out days ago, but I didn’t want to hear him accuse me of being Drama or a Diva, but honestly, he’ll say it anyway.
It’s not like he can be any worse than the tyrant he is.
Nope, he can’t do anything to me, nothing at all.
“I’m sorry, she said what?” I look up from the control panel as Jimmy stands awkwardly in the doorway.
“She said she’d be back tomorrow at eight.” He backs up, looking around like he’s afraid I’m going to attack him.
“Goddamn it.” Malcolm sighs as he reaches for the bottle of Jägermeister Melanie dropped off.
“I think that last song was good enough.” Ari, one of the label executives, slaps the edge of the leather couch and stands as I reach for a pack of cigarettes.
“It’s crap.” Lighting up, I’m infuriated.
“We are on a schedule, and from what I’m seeing…” He buttons his suit jacket. “This might be all she has to give.” He nods at me.
“I’m the producer, I say when that’s all she has to give.” The flick of my lighter is the only noise in the control room.
“Fine.” He pulls out his phone as he heads toward the door.
“Ari?” My voice stops him as he turns.
“You can let the fucks upstairs know I’ll trash it all before I’d ever allow you or anybody else to tell me when it’s right.” I sneer as he locks eyes with mine. He’s used to being the big man, but I’m not fucking around when it comes to music.