Page 57 of Reign (Rock God)
“I can’t fall for you, Ammo, it took me a long time to be okay being on my own.”
“That’s not how it works, babe.” My eyes narrow as I take another drag, stopping myself from telling her that in this business, she’s hardly alone. Christ, she’s never alone.
“Fine. Mike Zane was twenty-eight, but he looked much younger. I remember I felt sorry for him because he seemed sad, and just wandered around looking miserable. I was the only one who was nice to him, Roxy hated him. She said he was creepy, and to be careful.” Her voice instantly turns bitter. “Anyway…” Courtney takes a breath and continues, “After the producers fired him, I started noticing things in my bedroom would be moved around. But at that time I was with Johnny, and Roxy practically lived with us, so I didn’t think much about it.” She looks over at me.
“Go on.”
“Then, I found a package, and inside it was a petrified deer heart.” I sit up, because how is this the first time I’m hearing this?
“Of course, I freaked out, but everyone assured me I was safe, and that I just needed more security.” She takes a deep breath and exhales as she speaks slowly.
“Then a couple days later I got released from the set early and found him…he had somehow gotten into my bedroom…dressed in my clothes. He had…masturbated in them, oh God, I don’t like thinking about this stuff.” She darts off the mattress. “I need a shower.”
“Courtney.” My voice stops her as I put out my cigarette and walk over to her as she backs away.
“That’s it, Ammo. I freaked out and pepper sprayed him.” She holds her hands up against my chest. “And they arrested him. When they went to his apartment, they found thousands of pictures of me, guns, he had written in his diary that I was his wife and that Johnny had kidnapped me and he needed to get me back. Then he went to jail, and now he’s out.” She hisses as I reach for her and bring her close.
“Shhh, I got you, he can’t hurt you ever again.” I kiss the top of her head as I feel her hot breath on my chest. Then she lifts her face to mine, her eyes swimming with tears.
“How can you be so sure?”
“That’s easy…because you’re mine,” I state, taking her hand off my chest as I lead her into my bathroom.
Someone is out there, and they want to hurt her.
But they’re gonna have to get through me first.
“Court, babe, lift your arms.” Marco, one of my makeup artists, and his assistant Lucy, continue to spray my body to a golden hue as I try and stay still.
Ammo’s bedroom looks like a bomb squad has invaded it, with luggage full of makeup, hair supplies, nail polish, spray brush machines, fans, chairs. Numerous boxes of heels, and clutches, along with jewelry all stacked on the tables that are covered with too many bouquets wishing us good luck from countless agents and record labels.
“Do you think we should have had Doug wig us tonight?” Melanie sits on the couch in nothing but her G-string and pasties on her breasts as she blows on her nails that just got painted.
“Mel, honey, don’t move,” Marco informs her since they just finished spraying her, and she already had to get touched up when she crossed her legs too soon.
“Why?” I take a breath and try not to laugh as they spray my armpits.
“Court, my love,” Marco sighs as he stops spraying. “You cannot move, it will streak.” He says this like that would be the end of the world.
“I’m sorry, I can’t help it; you know I’m ticklish.” Biting my lip, I try not to laugh as he nods.
“Try,” he says dryly, motioning for Lucy to get a spot on my hip.
“It does make it easier with you not having tattoos.” His eyes drifting to Mel’s as she sticks out her tongue at him.
“Mel, please call Gina for more champagne. Does anyone want anything else?” I look at myself in the full-length mirror and can’t help but smile, the gold tint making me look flawless.
“God, yes, tell her to bring two bottles and a side of Ammo,” Marco says completely deadpan as he continues to spray down my side.
“Oh yes, please. Court, we demand you share him,” Mel squeals as Marco stops spraying to air high five her.
“I’m pretending you two did not just do that.” I roll my eyes as Lucy moves to pin up a strand of hair that’s trying to escape.
Doug, my hairstylist, already piled it up on top of my head. He had two more clients needing him, so while Mel and I get sprayed and ready, he’s taking care of them and will meet up with us before we walk the red carpet.