Page 68 of Reign (Rock God)
And that voice…her million-dollar voice…wrecks us all. The audience stands as they worship her.
Adore her.
There are moments in our lives that we remember forever, some are small incidents, and others are large.
Good and bad. None of it matters, because for whatever reason they have touched you, molded you. Making you the person you are, or the person you want to be.
Watching her…fucking kill it…this is one of my moments.
“She’s doing it, oh my God.” Melanie breathes out as her hand reaches for Malcolm’s, who laughs and pulls her into his arms, his eyes filled with tears as we watch her fucking own the theater.
“Of course, she is. She’s a Queen,” I repeat.
Addicting, like the most delicious drug, I watch her, then look over at the audience and I grin. The world could stop spinning and no one would notice, she’s ensnared and captured our souls. The pianist sways, his eyes closed letting her voice be his guide.
“How will I survive? When he’s a god among men. How will I live when he leaves me just with…” She turns, and the theater goes silent as our eyes lock, then she closes hers and tilts her head back.
“A kiss.”
“Holy fuck,” Melanie screams, clapping with the explosion of the standing ovation. Courtney bows, then looks over at me, biting her bottom lip as she kicks off her heels and holds up her dress so that she can run to me.
That’s the only way to describe how I’m feeling as I move forward, catching her.
Not caring that I’m on the stage. She throws her arms around my neck, and my mouth claims hers, deep, hard.
Vaguely, I hear the crowd’s volume getting louder as I lift her up and take her off the stage, the theater sounding like a thunderstorm has hit.
People scream for us. Ace is holding them back as I take her face with both my hands. Her lips are puffy, cheeks are flushed, but it’s what I see swimming in her golden orbs that makes everything fade.
“I did it.” She laughs, and I can’t stop staring.
“Of course, you did. You owned that fucking crown,” I growl, my heart pounding.
“I never want this to end,” she cries into my mouth and somehow, I don’t care that the cameraman has followed us backstage, or that people are invading our space.
This night belongs to her.
“Enjoy the ride, darlin’, I’m not going anywhere.” I step back and let Melanie move in. Malcolm, Christ, even Rachel goes in to hug her.
Absently, I hear the host making a joke about me kissing his girlfriend, and the audience laughs as the Grammys continue.
But that’s alright.
Tonight, I can share.
Waves, they splash over me as I smile, waiting for Ammo. He’s coming, walking toward me, and my core clenches.
I go to tell him I love him, but water fills my mouth. It’s saltwater and I start choking.
My eyes bolt open as I sit up, looking around the bright, airy bedroom.
“God,” I breathe out, trying to calm my heart.
What the hell? It was just a stupid dream, it means nothing. I take another deep breath and close my eyes, Is the room spinning? It’s been a long time since I’ve been this hungover.
I need water. I open my eyes…thankfully everything is steady. Great, there’s only an empty bottle of Cristal on my nightstand.
Ammo grunts and rolls to his back as I watch him sleep. He’s so beautiful, for a second, I forget my thirst as my eyes feast on his large, muscled form that’s sprawled out across the massive bed.
It’s a miracle I didn’t fall off. His honey-wheat blond hair, all tussled and wild, my hands almost tingling with a need to touch him. I want to just lean over and trace that ammunition tattoo on his left bicep with my tongue, then make my way up to his full lips...
God, get it together, Courtney, what are you doing?
As if he knows I’m watching him, he kicks off the rest of the sheet, and I bite my lower lip as I get to see all of him.
It’s like he made a pact with the devil. My brain instantly going back to that first meeting when I walked in on him getting head from two skanks.
Great, now I feel like I’m going to puke. That vision is always going to haunt me. You need to keep your guard up, Court.
Last night was amazing, though, even the Broken Vixens winning two Grammys didn’t faze me. I had Ammo, so when Mel, Roxy, and Pat took the stage to accept. I just sat and snuggled with him knowing the cameras were focused on us kissing, more than the awards. It was a satisfying fuck you, and for the first time since I caught them cheating, I finally feel as if I’m free.
Focus, Courtney, Ammo’s not going to be the one.